Home Sweet Home NOT: How to cope when you hate where you live by SR
Read More: Home Sweet Home NOT: How to cope when you hate where you live by SRSo here you are. You have just finished unpacking the boxes following your latest move. You are sick of being stuck in the house…
One More Try by KB
Read More: One More Try by KBLike most people I feel apprehensive about admitting my marital problems for fear of unnecessary embarrassment and vulnerability. Although there a collective silence about…
Starting Over by AD
Read More: Starting Over by ADIt seemed like things were finally settling down for my little family. My husband had completed his nomadic years of medical training, gotten a…
Picture Perfect Residency by Kristen Math
Read More: Picture Perfect Residency by Kristen MathCamp WaHaNaHa is where it all began. It was the summer after I had finished 4thgrade. In honor of my first trip away from…
Parenting During Residency by KB
Read More: Parenting During Residency by KBAfter two years of being called “mommy”and a dozen parenting books, the sum of my advice boils down to the most rudimentary understanding of…
How to be Happy when you are a Cog in a Wheel by AD
Read More: How to be Happy when you are a Cog in a Wheel by ADI’ve been trying to figure out the whole Santa thing. He’s always described as such a happy guy. The twinkling eyes! All those toys!…
The Miracle of Match Day by MK
Read More: The Miracle of Match Day by MKMatch Day. A life changing day for medical students in ways that only those that have gone before them can possibly understand. As nerve…
Third Choice Match by CF
Read More: Third Choice Match by CFFor us, the match was fairly eventful. Matt was doing Anesthesia, and had decided to do his internship in Internal Medicine. We had to…
Rebuilding After Residency by Kristen Math
Read More: Rebuilding After Residency by Kristen MathIt’s hard to believe that a year has almost passed since my husband finished his fellowship. The memories of those final two years seem…
How to go to Medical School and get Paid for it! by Jennifer Hussey
Read More: How to go to Medical School and get Paid for it! by Jennifer HusseyThe Military Branches need physicians for the armed forces personnel and their families. The branches that have physicians are Army, Navy and Air Force;…