
Oh my. Where to start? HOME. ARG. I like it and I hate it all at the same time. I was up for 15 minutes on my first full day back and was already getting bitched at by my mom about how I should let her control me because according to her, I am unable to sleep well. This started because I did not sleep well the first full night here. I'm sure it had nothing to do with my stuffy nose and NOTHING to do with the thin quilt on my bed that did nothing as I froze all night. So according to her I should "let her take control" (her words) of my life and she'll "fix me". (again, her words.) How about a nice dose of go fuck yourself. I'm 23 years old and while I still have a lot to learn in life, I have a solid handle on how to go to bed at night, thanks.

Thankfully I can escape to the library to study chemistry. I may have graduated but I have two prereqs for nursing. I'm taking one this quarter and one this summer quarter. The other day after I was done studying I decided to walk over to the junior high. (everything in town is within walking distance) It was built after I graduated from high school and I never saw it from the inside. What a warm welcome I had!!!!!!!! The secretary is my friend's mom and the mom of a little boy I used to babysit. She IMMEDIATELY took me to see her son who is now 12!!!!!!!! GEEEEEEEZ!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable. I also was able to see some of my old teachers including my fabulous artsy fartsy former art teacher. I had a great time quickly catching up with her (she had a class) and encouraging her students to get OUT of town and go to college and travel on one of the European trips offered in high school. Funny that Stella mentioned inviting her old gov't teacher to her wedding.......I had the same thought about this former art teacher of mine.

I've been farting around a lot and reading The Namesake. I am flying through it. It's so good! I saw a preview for the movie when Kevin and I saw The Last King of Scotland and really wanted to see it. When I got home my mom had recently finished the book so I'm working on it and will go see the movie with Kevin when I'm back in Columbus this weekend for Brian's flyering and my chem lab.

I HATE MOVING!!!!!!!! I moved out of my apartment and WOOWOWOWOWOW. Awful. The girl I'm subleasing to is a total bitch too. Basically she scammed me (I knew it at the time too) but we cut a deal so she would take over my lease but I would pay for her first month. It was either that or nothing, and if it was nothing then I wouldn't have been able to take my job. I'm all moved into their house and I painted my room a beautiful, happy shade of green. I'll have to post pictures sometime. It might look kind of scary in the pictures. I repainted the white woodwork and it really made a huge difference. I'm just waiting for them to get back from New Zealand at the end of April so I can start living there. Woo hoo!

Friday is a fundraiser at the high school for Mick. http://www.stbaldricks.org/events/event ... ventID=461

Her family is trying to raise money for a scholarship in her name at Ohio University. I can't think of the proper terms but if they raise X dollars (maybe $2500?) in two years then this will become a permanent scholarship and will always have funds. I ran back to the high school (literally......I can look out my window here in the kitchen and see it.) and got some posters from my old gov't teacher to take around town to businesses. Some teachers have offered to shave their heads if their students met their fundraising goals (I think that's the premises). Mick is probably cracking up somewhere at the thought of her old fuddy duddy teachers shaving their heads for her.