
So I'm nerding right now and I hear my door rattle slightly and some slight tapping. Someone is definitely out there doing something sneaky. I tiptoe to the door and bend down as I open it because I KNOW there's a small child on the other side. I find Kate laying on her belly (she likes to peek under my door. "What do you see?" "Nothing") and holding her toothbrush up at me. She says, "Cassandra, the toothpaste won't come out" with a sheepish smile. So I helped her and tried not to crack up.

I wish everyone could see what I see and have experiences like the ones I have here. I wish everyone could open their door to have a little girl with a big smile on the other end who needs help getting the toothpaste out. Tonight as I was cleaning up the kitchen Matthew started crying up in his crib. Gillian was reading to Kate so I scooted up to try and soothe him and get him back to sleep. I picked him up and he stopped crying immediately. (he's all snotty from a cold) After a minute or so he fell asleep on my shoulder. I wish more people could look at their shoulder and see a sweet baby peacefully zonked out on it. I looked at his smooth, perfect skin and his long, wispy eyelashes. His little cheek was smushed against my shoulder. I felt nothing but pure happiness and calmness. I really do look forward to the mom thing.

This is going to be a great year.