Sometimes I scare myself with how dense I can be.
DD has refused vegetables for a while's an "issue" for us. I've tried everything and some things have worked but not without a big effort. So I spill parmesan cheese on her peas last night. She loves it and eats three portions. DUH!!!!!!!
Why didn't I think of that?
Second...I get up early 99% of the time and shower before the kids get up. DS gets up at 5:50 today and DD had a nightmare I had to deal with at I was a little tired. We get breakfast and I'm like, "what are we going to do until DD has preschool?" I get my makeup bag and throw both of them in the tub. They get a bath while I attempt to put myself together sans shower. It worked great.
I get stuck in my routines too much. The "best" answer for some issues during the day are usually right in front of my face.
DD has refused vegetables for a while's an "issue" for us. I've tried everything and some things have worked but not without a big effort. So I spill parmesan cheese on her peas last night. She loves it and eats three portions. DUH!!!!!!!

Second...I get up early 99% of the time and shower before the kids get up. DS gets up at 5:50 today and DD had a nightmare I had to deal with at I was a little tired. We get breakfast and I'm like, "what are we going to do until DD has preschool?" I get my makeup bag and throw both of them in the tub. They get a bath while I attempt to put myself together sans shower. It worked great.
I get stuck in my routines too much. The "best" answer for some issues during the day are usually right in front of my face.
