It's frightening how we can realize how little control we really have. I'm sure many of us are used to planning events and organizing our lives. Pregnancy/childbirth was really the first time that it hit me that there were things beyond my control...and that was hard to cope with (but ohhhh, what a lesson it was about parenting in general
My first two were nearly 2 weeks late...I had this elaborate birth plan for Andrew (my oldest)..i know, i know...laugh with me there! I was going to have a *natural* birth and was going to be surrounded by...candles, soft music (a tape that I took weeks to put together), my birthing ball etc....I hoped to have a gentle, wonderful delivery and was sure that things would go according to plan.
But I didn't go into labor...When he was 10 days overdue, I went in on a Saturday for a routine exam at the L &D floor...I had to go in on that day because of being was scheduled. I had no bag with me....nothing....and wouldn't you know that they checked for contractions (there were none, of course) and as I stood up to leave, my water broke...
I had nothing with me...nothing...and we were in a hospital in germany..I had to be in a labor room with other men and women
and things just didn't progress....They were trying to get me to take my temp rectally every hour (I just pretended I had and wrote down anything
) and they got so busy that no one was around to check on me anymore. After more than 24 hours, I was given an epidural and then pitocin. The epidural only worked on my left side and I was miserable. Hours and hours passed and progression. I ended up with a c-section and was so anxious and 1/2 delirious that....I cried hysterically the whole time
. 12 years later, I still feel ashamed. They thought I'd lost my mind and so then they wouldn't bring the baby in to me. DH had to step in and put his foot down.
The hospital (german) didn't have towels and when they got me up for a shower the next day (by literally pulling me out of bed and forcing me to walk when I was still 1/2 asleep) they yelled at me "this is NOT a hotel". I didn't even have my bag of stuff yet.
I was really depressed for a long time after that experience!
My much -anticipated vbac with Amanda...that I insisted on because I did not want a c-section? The cord got wrapped around her neck and the mid-wives had to call in the doc...which wasted time. She was an apgar 3 then 10 minutes later, a 7. I wish I'd just had a repeat section with her....because she has learning issues now and...I blame myself.
v-bac with Alex? hemmorhage/sugery
c-section with Aidan? eventless
Pregnancy with Zoe and delivery....I don't even think I can reveal really how much the pregnancy itself traumatized much I began to hate the wonderful nurses and doctors and ultrasound staff for the bad the fear and worry ate at me daily and how having her early and dealing with the nicu and her feeding issues and the separation from her really did me in....on top of the worry that there would be consequences from her being exposed to the chemo...or that I would not be cured....
In all haunts me still...but it is so much does go on...and though I still sometimes am reminded of the bad...the good is much bigger.....does that make sense?
I know I said I wasn't going to elaborate on my experiences, but I guess all of the sharing brought it out in me....
Motherhood does change us, doesn't it...and the sharing of the experience of becoming a mom...whether that be an experience of adoption, dealing with fertility treatments, a difficult pregnancy or delivery bonds us in a unique way....

My first two were nearly 2 weeks late...I had this elaborate birth plan for Andrew (my oldest)..i know, i know...laugh with me there! I was going to have a *natural* birth and was going to be surrounded by...candles, soft music (a tape that I took weeks to put together), my birthing ball etc....I hoped to have a gentle, wonderful delivery and was sure that things would go according to plan.
But I didn't go into labor...When he was 10 days overdue, I went in on a Saturday for a routine exam at the L &D floor...I had to go in on that day because of being was scheduled. I had no bag with me....nothing....and wouldn't you know that they checked for contractions (there were none, of course) and as I stood up to leave, my water broke...
I had nothing with me...nothing...and we were in a hospital in germany..I had to be in a labor room with other men and women

The hospital (german) didn't have towels and when they got me up for a shower the next day (by literally pulling me out of bed and forcing me to walk when I was still 1/2 asleep) they yelled at me "this is NOT a hotel". I didn't even have my bag of stuff yet.
I was really depressed for a long time after that experience!
My much -anticipated vbac with Amanda...that I insisted on because I did not want a c-section? The cord got wrapped around her neck and the mid-wives had to call in the doc...which wasted time. She was an apgar 3 then 10 minutes later, a 7. I wish I'd just had a repeat section with her....because she has learning issues now and...I blame myself.
v-bac with Alex? hemmorhage/sugery
c-section with Aidan? eventless
Pregnancy with Zoe and delivery....I don't even think I can reveal really how much the pregnancy itself traumatized much I began to hate the wonderful nurses and doctors and ultrasound staff for the bad the fear and worry ate at me daily and how having her early and dealing with the nicu and her feeding issues and the separation from her really did me in....on top of the worry that there would be consequences from her being exposed to the chemo...or that I would not be cured....
In all haunts me still...but it is so much does go on...and though I still sometimes am reminded of the bad...the good is much bigger.....does that make sense?
I know I said I wasn't going to elaborate on my experiences, but I guess all of the sharing brought it out in me....
Motherhood does change us, doesn't it...and the sharing of the experience of becoming a mom...whether that be an experience of adoption, dealing with fertility treatments, a difficult pregnancy or delivery bonds us in a unique way....