And now we have just seen a glimpse of the mommy debate that raged on earlier here and sent a few moms2b fleeing. There has been this ongoing behind-the-scenes struggle here between the parents and those that would like to be or will soon be parents.
But let's face it....don't we, as parents, deserve to feel like the experts on parenting if we have to go through those kinds of physical changes
to become mothers? Or if we've adopted and gone through all of the red tape, traveled to foreign countries and spent our savings? Suffered through fertility treatments, disappointments and finally been successful? And if the not-yet-moms are shocked by the physical changes...might there be some other parenting issues that are a surprise. I guess it's why when there is the "
hey, I'm not a mom, but don't tell me I don't know ....." that many moms kind of just :guilty:
Who knew that this topic would end up needing to be in the debate forum...
In regards to the physical changes...just to frighten y'all more. I know the other multi-para women have my back on this but....apparently, I have no more pelvic floor...and whomever came up with those kegel exercises must have been...a man. (no offense to the men here of course). Everytime I sneeze...I pretty much pee my pants.
Heidi....many, many of us are unhappy with the shapes that our bodies have taken. I berate myself many days about how my body has changed...I don't feel attractive and I feel heavy and older than I am. My jonts creak, my feet hurt....
I had always been extremely weight conscious. Before getting pg with Andrew, I rode my bike everywhere (refusing to drive anything that polluted the earth :> ) and...I was a vegetarian. The physical changes that happened to me during pregnancy were shocking to me and I felt like I lost control of my body....I did.
Weight loss had also never really been an issue for me. If I gained 5 or 10 pounds when I was younger, I could easily lose it in...a weekend or a few days of hard dieting/exercise. That is no longer the case. It's one thing to face having 5 pounds to lose...and an entirely other ballgame to face losing 60, 70 or 80 pounds. The motivation, the deprivation....I don't know about you, but my metabolism has changed. I'm not as active because I'm at home with little ones. I drive everywhere in the van because the towns here aren't set up for biking and things are so spread out. I thought my weight gain would be temporary and was shocked when it all didn't fall off after having Andrew....with each pregnancy I gained more than I had hoped and lost only a fraction of it.
I'm really trying now to become healthy again...but come one...the real truth..I just want to look like Jennifer Aniston....

But let's face it....don't we, as parents, deserve to feel like the experts on parenting if we have to go through those kinds of physical changes

Who knew that this topic would end up needing to be in the debate forum...
In regards to the physical changes...just to frighten y'all more. I know the other multi-para women have my back on this but....apparently, I have no more pelvic floor...and whomever came up with those kegel exercises must have been...a man. (no offense to the men here of course). Everytime I sneeze...I pretty much pee my pants.

Heidi....many, many of us are unhappy with the shapes that our bodies have taken. I berate myself many days about how my body has changed...I don't feel attractive and I feel heavy and older than I am. My jonts creak, my feet hurt....
I had always been extremely weight conscious. Before getting pg with Andrew, I rode my bike everywhere (refusing to drive anything that polluted the earth :> ) and...I was a vegetarian. The physical changes that happened to me during pregnancy were shocking to me and I felt like I lost control of my body....I did.
Weight loss had also never really been an issue for me. If I gained 5 or 10 pounds when I was younger, I could easily lose it in...a weekend or a few days of hard dieting/exercise. That is no longer the case. It's one thing to face having 5 pounds to lose...and an entirely other ballgame to face losing 60, 70 or 80 pounds. The motivation, the deprivation....I don't know about you, but my metabolism has changed. I'm not as active because I'm at home with little ones. I drive everywhere in the van because the towns here aren't set up for biking and things are so spread out. I thought my weight gain would be temporary and was shocked when it all didn't fall off after having Andrew....with each pregnancy I gained more than I had hoped and lost only a fraction of it.
I'm really trying now to become healthy again...but come one...the real truth..I just want to look like Jennifer Aniston....
