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Another sitter question

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  • Another sitter question

    OK, I'm a little petrified but I've done it. I ended up calling a professional babysitter's guild (as recommended by someone from Craigslist that I contacted who wasn't available for Saturday.) Their rate is $11 per hour plus a $6 travel fee.

    So, do I tip? How much? I assume I round up the hours.

    I'm totally going to rush home at the first opportunity! Ack!

    Oh, and for the sake of other sitter-seekers I should point out that I was dumb and didn't contact my playgroup until too late, but the moms we hang out with had tons of suggestions and several even offered to watch E themselves if they weren't already busy. Durh!
    Last edited by spotty_dog; 03-08-2011, 09:27 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Another sitter question

    I usually just round up a bit - I tipped the nanny who watched Nikolai. I tend to think of it as a way to get them to prefer us over other people. underhanded, dirty, sneaky and not fair. Yes.
    Yes. Yes. and Yes.



    • #3
      Re: Another sitter question

      I round up and if the sitter has a particularly rough time I round up some more (like the time that Ned peed all over the house, lots of rounding up).


      • #4
        Re: Another sitter question

        So, assuming he screams the whole time we're gone (a definite possibility), I tack on an extra twenty?

        I've realized I have to feed her too. She's a mom at least in her thirties, not a teenager or college kid, so I'm feeling self-conscious about choosing something that Eddy will at least nibble but that she might enjoy. I'm thinking frozen pizza.

        Back to scrubbing the house!


        • #5
          Re: Another sitter question

          I don t feed and I dont tip. I round up if we get home early. I always have my girls fed and in jammies. If for some reason the sitter is there during dinner time, I make sure there is some for her as well. I also always point them in the direction of drinks and snacks.
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #6
            Re: Another sitter question

            Actually - as she's not a teen, I'd worry less about feeding her. I usually make sure any food in the fridge is edible, and tell them they're welcome to whatever they find.

            I tend to round up - especially with what gas prices are these days. But I also have an existing thing with my sitter, and I want to make sure I continue to get preferred scheduling.


            • #7
              Re: Another sitter question

              Alison, if he is truly inconsolable the whole time, I'd do an extra $11. Do you think you will need her again?


              • #8
                Re: Another sitter question

                Originally posted by cupcake
                Alison, if he is truly inconsolable the whole time, I'd do an extra $11. Do you think you will need her again?
                I'd like to use someone semi-regularly so we can build a relationship (and we're kinda overdue for some date nights!) It might not be this lady though.

                Hm, so maybe I'll just leave mac & cheese or tortellini for Eddy and let her fend for herself? We're leaving at about 5:30 and I'm going to try to get back by 8:30, so I do think it'll be easiest if she feeds him.


                • #9
                  Re: Another sitter question

                  Or you can make sure there is enough of the mac & cheese or tortellini for her, and tell her to help herself if she'd like it. Otherwise she can pack up the leftovers and put them away, and you have his lunch for tomorrow covered. You don't really need to worry about planning a meal for her. If she's super-picky she should be smart enough to eat before she arrives, or ready to wait until she's done.

                  Try to enjoy your night out. Eddy will be fine.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another sitter question

                    How did it go Alison?


                    • #11
                      Re: Another sitter question

                      It went great! (Suz, I tried calling J but she didn't pick up and anyway it sounded like it would be a big deal for her to change her plans for this weekend? I'm glad to know about the Arizona Lullaby Guild now, and I recommend them!)

                      The sitter hit it off with Eddy right away. I told her I'd be back by 8:30 (the event started at 6 and was almost a half hour away.) Dinner wasn't even served until 9pm! I scarfed my food and dashed, sure I was going to have an irritated sitter and an exhausted cranky Eddy. Instead I walked in to a chipper little boy and the sitter was so sweet about the delay too!

                      I was so relieved and I'm actually looking forward to leaving him home and taking my husband out to the movies sometime in the next couple of weeks. Just have to decide whether to try to get this lady again (she was great!) or try my chances with one of the college girls I've been in touch with. (I should add though that I don't regret waiting this long to leave him with a stranger. The timing was definitely right for his personality, he's become much more outgoing in the past few weeks. )

                      Thanks for asking!


                      • #12
                        Re: Another sitter question

                        Terrific! I'm glad it went so well.

