It went great! I am up a total 15 lbs at 25 weeks (well I am tech 24w 5d, but who cares?!). The baby's heartbeat sounded great. I am measuring right on. We talked about possibly inducing if I haven't had him by Aug 10. Sounds stupid, and I am normally not a fan of induction. I told the doc I would only do it if I looked favorable. Matt as you know is getting some time off, and we found out that my mil can only come from 8/11 to 8/18, because Matt's youngest sister starts school I think on the 20th, and can't be left alone. Anywho, I brought up to the OB that it would be better for me not to be pregnant, but to be having the baby during that week if he hasn't arrived by then. That way Matt's mom can watch Emma while we are at the hospital. The OB was supportive and said she would definitely consider it. She told me my chances though of having this one early were greater than me going past my due date, but I am not holding my breath on that one.
I delivered Emma a week early, and her experience has been 2nd babies come sooner than the first one did. Who knows?! I will wait and see.
My next appt- I have a follow-up ultrasound because one of the baby's kidneys was measuring larger than normal. I also have that lovely 1-hr glucose test.
This pregnancy is flying by so fast!!! Oh I have a new pic on our website-

My next appt- I have a follow-up ultrasound because one of the baby's kidneys was measuring larger than normal. I also have that lovely 1-hr glucose test.
This pregnancy is flying by so fast!!! Oh I have a new pic on our website-