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bad parenting moment

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  • bad parenting moment

    Nathan, my youngest, has had a bit of a stomach virus this week. He has had yucky diapers and a very sore bottom since Monday. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on on Monday, and decided to take him grocery shopping with me after I dropped off the older two boys at gymnastics. DH was going to meet me at the store, get Nathan from me and pick the boys up so I could finish shopping alone.

    While we were in the produce section, someone was passing out cucumber slices. I took one and offered one to Nathan (who is a horrible eater and literally eats from a menu of six tried and true favorites every day) who took one, much to my surprise. He was munching on it and I kept on shopping. DH showed up, in uniform, and we turned into the frozen foods aisle, when Nathan threw up, due to either choking on the cucumber peel, or his stomach virus -- I don't know which. DH ends up carrying a puke-covered kid out to the car while in his blues, while I hang out in the frozen foods section with a cart full of food next to a puddle of puke. Thank God DH was there is all I could think. (DH told me later that all the people who walked by me while I was waiting for the clean-up crew probably thought I was the one who puked since there was no baby with me!)

    When I got home and was dealing with the pukey laundry, I realized that the shorts Nathan was wearing that day (which I had noticed were a little big on him) were actually his older brother's size 7 shorts. The scary thing is that the shorts were actually staying up on him, although they were baggy -- Nathan is only 21 months old! That is when I realized that I hadn't been feeling too hot all day, either......

    We are all feeling better today and Nathan is back in his 3Ts, which are fitting him just fine.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    Pukey kids in grocery stores--gotta love 'em! My 21 month old threw up a chocolate donut in the store a month or two ago--I gave it to her to keep her quiet, boy that backfired on me!
    I'm glad you are both feeling better today!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Oh, Sally, I'm wincing as I read this because I can feel your mortification. I think that parenthood is one big lesson in humility. I hope your little guy and you feel better soon.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        I think there is some Murphy's Rule to kids puking -- it HAS to happen in an inconvenient place at an inconvenient time.

        Hope everyone in your house is feeling better!


        • #5
          LOL. That is a memory you will always remember. When Amy was just 4 months old I took her to Macy's. There was a huge display of teddy bears for Christmas, I held her up to look at the bears and herself (there was a big mirror behind the display). She promptly threw up all over the display. I tried to get some help/attention from a salesperson with no luck, so I just left!!!!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            heehee...that is too funny Luanne!!

