What advice do you have on introducing the concept that your child will have a sibling? We haven't told our three year old son yet because we want to wait until the second trimester when the time gets closer and we feel more confident that everything looks like this pregnancy is a go.
Already we have tried to reel in some of our parents-of-only-child tendencies by not carrying him around all the time, putting him back into his bed at night when he creeps in, and helping him to learn to dress himself. Hopefully installing this independence now will serve us well when he has to share his mommy and daddy.
Any suggestions on how to smooth the transition for him? He is a pretty articulate three and a half year old, so hopefully this will help. Also, when he asks, any suggestions on how I explain breastfeeding in an age appropriate manner? My nephew was shocked when he saw his new baby sister sucking on mommy's "elbow".
Already we have tried to reel in some of our parents-of-only-child tendencies by not carrying him around all the time, putting him back into his bed at night when he creeps in, and helping him to learn to dress himself. Hopefully installing this independence now will serve us well when he has to share his mommy and daddy.
Any suggestions on how to smooth the transition for him? He is a pretty articulate three and a half year old, so hopefully this will help. Also, when he asks, any suggestions on how I explain breastfeeding in an age appropriate manner? My nephew was shocked when he saw his new baby sister sucking on mommy's "elbow".
