After much deliberation.... I made the suggestion to my doc about being induced.
So I found out Monday my induction date, IF he doesn't come on his own. It was a hard decision to make, and my reasons are more for convenience, but I really feel I need to have the baby here and have help than be pregnant and have help (MIL can only come btwn 8/14-8/20). We have no family here in Seattle, and I feel I will need the help.
So the plan is....
Aug 12th at 4 pm PST I will receive a gel insert, go home and wait (with the way I am now, dh thinks that is all I will need as I am 100% effaced now, just need to dilate!)
Aug 13th, between 6-9 am L&D will call me to let me know when I am to come in, if I haven't already gone into labor. Then we go from there!
IF my labor this time is anything like Emma's then it will be quick. I had to have my labor augmented last time, and it took 8 hours from start to finish (had contractions for about 2 hours, they stopped, went to the hospital to get checked, found out water had broken didn't know it, contractions never started back up, got pitocin, 8 hours later Emma was born).
I am really hoping that I won't have to be induced. When my nurse called I told her what my stats were last Friday (2 cm, 80% effaced, and +1 station), and she thinks I have a really good chance of going on my own.
I am getting desperate though. I feel like my body just needs a little "bump" or push-- I broke down two nights ago and tried one of the natural induction methods I read about in a paper written by a nurse midwife (nipple stimulation). I had contractions that were 5 min apart for an hour and a half, and then they peetered out.
Then I was bad: Yesterday morning I asked dh to check me- ~3 cm and 100% effaced, and could definitely feel the baby's head. (He checked me right before my last appointment and was right on- 2/80%). It makes me feel good to know that I am progressing slowly but surely on my own, at least I know my body isn't defective.
With Emma I didn't efface until I was in active labor, and wasn't more than a finger tip. Am I pathetic or what? Using my husband's basic knowledge of OB.... sheesh what type of medical spouse am I?
So any day now..... Here's to hoping. Maybe I need to try one of the "other" methods talked about in the paper.
Pray I go on my own... I would like to have that experience.
Haven't been around much because I have been playing with Emma and looking into the spouse's group.....
So I found out Monday my induction date, IF he doesn't come on his own. It was a hard decision to make, and my reasons are more for convenience, but I really feel I need to have the baby here and have help than be pregnant and have help (MIL can only come btwn 8/14-8/20). We have no family here in Seattle, and I feel I will need the help.
So the plan is....
Aug 12th at 4 pm PST I will receive a gel insert, go home and wait (with the way I am now, dh thinks that is all I will need as I am 100% effaced now, just need to dilate!)
Aug 13th, between 6-9 am L&D will call me to let me know when I am to come in, if I haven't already gone into labor. Then we go from there!
IF my labor this time is anything like Emma's then it will be quick. I had to have my labor augmented last time, and it took 8 hours from start to finish (had contractions for about 2 hours, they stopped, went to the hospital to get checked, found out water had broken didn't know it, contractions never started back up, got pitocin, 8 hours later Emma was born).
I am really hoping that I won't have to be induced. When my nurse called I told her what my stats were last Friday (2 cm, 80% effaced, and +1 station), and she thinks I have a really good chance of going on my own.
I am getting desperate though. I feel like my body just needs a little "bump" or push-- I broke down two nights ago and tried one of the natural induction methods I read about in a paper written by a nurse midwife (nipple stimulation). I had contractions that were 5 min apart for an hour and a half, and then they peetered out.
Then I was bad: Yesterday morning I asked dh to check me- ~3 cm and 100% effaced, and could definitely feel the baby's head. (He checked me right before my last appointment and was right on- 2/80%). It makes me feel good to know that I am progressing slowly but surely on my own, at least I know my body isn't defective.

So any day now..... Here's to hoping. Maybe I need to try one of the "other" methods talked about in the paper.
Pray I go on my own... I would like to have that experience.
Haven't been around much because I have been playing with Emma and looking into the spouse's group.....