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Potty training question

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  • Potty training question

    I started potty training our youngest (she is 2 years 4 months). She has used her little potty seat a few times and always tells me when she has gone, so I think she is sort of ready. My question is, what do you do with the training pants that have been pooped in? I threw away a pair today because they were so disgusting--I tried turning them outside in and flushing the "stuff" down the toilet, but it just stuck to the underpants. By then, they were soaking wet and I didn't know what to do with them so I threw them away, but I would like to come up with a better system so I'm not throwing away underpants everyday! I somehow managed to escape this with our oldest daughter, as the only accidents she ever had were from peeing.
    Awake is the new sleep!
