I feel horrible. Aidan was upstairs sleeping in his cradle and the phone rang...Of course the battery on the thing died after I had been on the phone for 2 minutes
(It just won't keep a charge!!!) and so I had to go into Thomas' office to talk. I thought I would hear the baby crying if he woke up.....and he didn't...so I talked on the phone for over an hour 8O and when I walked out of the office and towards the kitchen I hear him .... He must have been crying for a LONG time because the cries were like the moans of a baby that had given up on mommy coming 8O
His eyes are all puffy....I feel horrible...I just feel HORRIBLE!!!!
I feel sooooo HORRIBLE!

His eyes are all puffy....I feel horrible...I just feel HORRIBLE!!!!
I feel sooooo HORRIBLE!