Anyway, I think that I will cut out this fun playtime for them, try to put their room back in shape (they don't destroy it during the night, for some reason), but I need suggestions as to what to do with them during the day. Next year they won't be going to preschool (I'm hopeful that they'll get into a mothers' day out program 1 day a week, and there will be a MOPS group next year, but besides that no activities 8O ) so I'm looking at this long, looming day ahead of me with the twins, no nap for them, and a newborn who will likely be nursing all the time... Anyway, any suggestions as to what to do with destructive 3 year olds?
Also, What bedtime should I aim for? They get up now at about 8 am, go to sleep about 8:30... If they don't have a "naptime" during the middle of the day, should I move bedtime up to, say 5?
