Up until now, Mitchell has been a pretty easy baby, but for the past few weeks he is not napping well. He sleeps good at night (goes down at 9 and doesn't wake up until 6am to nurse, then sleeps for another 2 or 3 hours), but during the day I can't seem to put him down! We go through this routine of him falling asleep while I'm nursing him or just holding him, I lay him down, 2 minutes later he is screaming like a banshee. We do this all day and I'm lucky to ever get him to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. While I'd much prefer the nighttime sleeping to be consistent, I really count on daytime naps in order to run my business. He's too little for any kind of childcare situation, and I can't afford to pay somebody to come to the house to watch him since my business just doesn't net enough to justify the expense. He is just about to turn 3 months, so while I do believe in the "cry it out" method, I can't see myself doing that until he is at least 6 months old. Any suggestions on getting this little rascal to stay asleep? Just now I laid down and nursed him in my bed and kind of snuck away, which seemed to work. I could keep trying that but it makes me want to nap so I'd like to avoid that if possible.
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Baby on strike
Swing? Bouncy seat? I have definitely been where you are, although I wasn't trying to run a business from home at the same time. I hope you figure something out soon!
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
If you try the cry it out method at 6 months it will be MUCH MUCH harder. If you know he is fed, tired, and warm enough, let him cry when it's nap time. Give yourself a time limit and let him cry for X amount of time and then stretch it out.
You'll thank yourself in the long run.
I did this at 10 weeks (my daughter was really big when she was born so that helped!) and it worked like a champ!Flynn
Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore
Sue...The absolute best gift that we got was from some of you guys here....the baby ocean swing.I highly recommend it for naptimes! Aidan gets tired and cranky at naptime and I got tired of the nurse him until he's asleep and then try and sneak him into his bed without waking him trick 8) . So...I started using the swing for naptimes only. In the past I had used it to keep him busy while I was doing laundry or was busy with something else and he did often fall asleep...but other times he used it as a play place. To keep him from thinking he could play there I don't put him in unless it's naptime now.
He is used to the fact that when he goes in there he goes to sleep. There are soft lights, a rotating 'aquarium' of fish to look at and also 'night night' music that plays. I wait until close to naptime when he is already tired and then nurse him a little if he wants...but I always put him in the swing awake. He falls asleep almost instantly now. Seriously...it has been a Godsend. I can now plan my days a little better again!
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Anna went through a stage like that a few months ago and I thought I was sunk. I must have forgotten when/if Bryn did that as well. Seems to be getting better. I find it's hard to keep a nap schedule for Anna when Bryn doesn't nap and we've had lots of running around to do pre- and post-move.
Good luck!
Thanks for all of the new ideas guys! I think one of my problems is that once he would cry, I would just let him be up, even though I knew he was tired. Then he would get even more tired and cranky and even harder to get to sleep. Once he cries when I put him down, I think I need to keep at it until I get him to sleep. I'll start trying all of your methods until I stumble on the one that works. My dh is ready for me to let him cry it out as well, so I'll have to chew on that one for a little while. I've used that with both of my girls (though they were a few months older) and I do think it works.Awake is the new sleep!