Hi-- I was wondering when you introduce the concept of standing to pee to little boys after they've mastered the sitting to pee phenomenon? Steven's been sitting to pee for about 1 month or so, with very few accidents, knock on wood... He is 3 and quite tall, so standing to pee logistically won't be a problem, but I think it may be messy??? Any advice?
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Potty training little boys
Well, no real advice.....
YES, it will be messy and will continue to be messy for some time to come! (Sorry.Just speaking from experience!) When you think you want to mess with it, ask him if he wants to pee like Daddy does. He probably will be all over that, and then you just have to work on his aim, and getting him to put the seat up (and down).
I refuse to use the bathroom that my boys use because I am never sure what I might step/sit in......and I make my nine year old clean the toilet seat and the floor around the toilet with those clorox wipes.
Good luck!
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."