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Would you speak up in this situation??

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  • Would you speak up in this situation??

    Today I took the girls to the dentist (they each had to get a cavity filled). I showed up 5 minutes late and they told me since I was late they could only see one of the girls. I was extrememly irritated but I didn't say anything. I suppose I understand that they didn't want to get behind (though the waiting room was empty when we arrived), but I have had to wait more than 5 minutes for the girls to be seen in the past. I wondered if I had only one child if they would have completely turned me away or if they would have let it slide??? Now I have to come back again to make up the other appointment. A series of mishaps occured this morning (including Sydney falling and skinning her knee on the way out to the car and me missing my exit on the highway), otherwise I would have been on time. If we hadn't already tried 3 different dentists before finding this one, I would be tempted to take my business elsewhere (my kids were extremely afraid and this is the first dentist where they have felt comfortable). Anyhow, I know I have gone on at length here, but I'm wondering if I was a schmuck for not speaking up or if I deserved being turned awaysince we were a little late.
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    This is one of those things where you think of good things to say after you leave. With that in mind, I might have said -- do I have the appointment time wrong because I thought I was only 5 minutes late?

    A good dentist is hard to find, nevermind one for kids. I understand your predicament!!

    Along these lines, I hate it when doctor, dentist, etc offices set their clocks ahead by 5 minutes or more and make it seem like you are late even when you are on time!


    • #3
      As someone who has had to see pts on a schedule, I find it very odd that they would risk losing business over only 5 minutes. I think it is the norm to expect patients to occasionally be late. I would usually just try to work them in. I would probably have said something. But then maybe the dentist had an appt he had to get to so he couldnt work late.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        I would have thought of 100 things to say after I left. The next appt. if they make you wait more than 5 minutes I would say something.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          If I was late because of a skinned knee and a missed exit, I probably would have looked at the receptionist and blurted out, "Are you kidding me?" Seriously!!! 5 minutes? If you really like the dentist then I guess you are stuck. You could mention it the next time you talk with the dentist--just to see if that is standard policy - and to let the dentist know you considered changing practices but only put up with the additional hassle due to their greatness. I'd imagine they'd want to know if the policy was something that could make them lose business.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            Originally posted by jakebenellasmommy
            I wonder if your dentist even realizes that his staff is turning people away?
            I think that is a really good point!

            As I've been thinking about this, I remember that our last pediatrician had a policy of -- more than 5 minutes late and we may have to re-schedule your appointment. They told you that when you made the appt and when they did the reminder call.


            • #7
              Maybe I will call. I'm a huge wimp, so I can't see myself saying anything in person (though I'll now be going back there in a few short weeks ot make up this appointment). I hadn't even considered that they might have set their clocks ahead--I'm pretty sure my clock was accurate because my cell phone sets the time automatically for me. Getting 3 kids out the door for a morning appointment is no small feat (though I do it regularly so I know how to do it and get to places on time) so I was just so irked at what happened this morning.
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                I'm with the random call that politely asks "What is your policy?" And then when they have nothing definitive to offer, explain you situation!

