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Summer Activities

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  • Summer Activities

    Do you all have your kids registered for summer activities? How many things are you signing them up for? I actually haven't signed mine up for anything yet and we've pretty much missed the sign up dates for community I'm scrambling to find an activity or two to get them enrolled in.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Nothing and nada.

    This will be the summer of "Daddy is in charge".

    So, I expect my kids will be doing lots of biking, playing basketball, and generally running around outside like sweaty maniacs (while I lay in-doors in air-conditioning with a newborn attached to me).

    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      We have our gymboree class once a week, and other than that- nothing.

      This kid needs to learn to trust that we are his parents first.

      However, my parents sold the family home (where Rick and I were married!) and are moving to Kent Island (on the Chesapeake Bay on the way to the beach) so we have a "summer home" to go hang out and relax in.



      • #4
        We have lots of activities planned. Our eyes are peeled for free activities around town.

        1. Weekly kid's concerts at a local playground. We take a picnic lunch and have a great time.

        2. Local library summer reading program. The theme is Kingdoms and Castles. Right up her alley!

        3. Hanging out at community pool and visiting our area parks.

        4. Avery is signed up for a day camp with some neighborhood kids during one week. I would like to get her into some swimming lessons.

        Sounds like fun!


        • #5
          I have signed my oldest up for a basketball camp starting the week after we move in! He was so bummed when he broke his finger and had to miss the rest of basketball season this past year that I jumped on this opportunity when I saw it. My fingers are crossed that he will meet some kids through the camp, too. The week after basketball camp, we leave on vacation and won't be back until June 21st or 22nd. I am hoping to find a Vacation Bible School program they can attend at some point, but other than that, I am hoping they will be busy making friends in our new neighborhood......and playing OUTSIDE, which will be new for them, since it has always been too hot in TX during the summer for them to do that. I am also looking forward to visiting nearby family and rediscovering Indianapolis and central Indiana with my boys......I can't wait! Oh, and of course we will be hooking up with the other two iMSN members!

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            We (and I really mean she ) will do a week of zoo camp, a week of camp at a nearby nature preserve, and a week at her preschools summer camp. These are, of course, day camps and mostly just in the mornings. I tried to stagger them so we have a week of camp and then one or two weeks of no camps. Our nearest community pool has been completely remodeled into an outdoor water park -- with stuff appropriate for young kids -- so I think we will spend *a lot* of time there!


            • #7
              River Heritage Park off River Rd is the place where the concerts are held. West Park has some evening concerts too.



              • #8
                We've got a few one week sports day camps for my son (9) and one week of horse camp for my daughter (6). We joined the community rec center. It was quite an ordeal - you had to line up to sign up/join one morning this May. I arrived at 6:30 am for a 9 am sign up and I was number 40 in line!! (They limit membership to 300 families.) It is a great deal - outside pool 6am-8pm, includes drop in sports for school age kids every afternoon, available swimming, tennis and gymnastic lessons as well as hundreds of one hour mini courses taught by community members. (The volunteers who teach classes get to sign up early - guess who's going to teach a class next year? ) We are also taking 3 mini-vacations through out the summer.
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • #9
                  We tend to do our activities in the winter so that we have something to do when we are cooped up. Seriously, my newly 5 year old was in three activities at one point. Hey, we have to get rid of that boy energy somehow.

                  This summer, however, he is signed up for nothing, nada, zilch. He will be spending the month of June in Ohio and Tennessee with Grandparents and other relatives. The baby and I will go down to meet him in the middle of his trip. I plan on lots of unstructued activities and downtime with him because this fall he will begin all day kindergarten and I will have less access to him.

                  This fall, I am going to write out all of the possible activity choices and allow him to choose two from the list. I don't want to load him up since he will have a more active and structured schedule this fall. (Spanish will be taught two days a week at his school, so this will be cut from the options).

                  Anyway, I just hope that this summer doesn't fly by so that we can spend lots of time together.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    The lazy days of summer are fast approaching for us. :] My first grader has his last day for the year on the 25th. Does anyone else get out this early? We just plan on swimming almost everyday with trips to the library too. I am hoping to get caught up on some reading too! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. Didn't we just finish doing the secret santa?


                    • #11
                      I bought a swimsuit so it looks like we'll spend a lot of time at our apt. community pool/playground (which have both been redone and are actually quite aspect of living here that's been above average!) We just love being outside together!


                      • #12
                        We're going to do a whole lot of nothin' and I can't wait! I'm going to get a pool pass and we'll probably do that, maybe go to the library, play outside, etc. Swim lessons are the only thing I'm going to insist on, but my oldest has expressed an interest in art class so I'll probably enroll her in that, too.
                        Awake is the new sleep!


                        • #13
                          We are taking off for a few days next week to visit my grandparents in SC. I am the only one from my family to have NOT made it to their "new" home....about twelve years ago
                          This Saturday finishes the T-ball season, I was a coach, it was so much fun!

                          DW has a conference planned in Chicago for Peds ID in mid July.

                          Other than that, we are doing yard work and swimming at home all summer.

