Hi all-
Well, my little guy has started climbing out of his crib--and the first time he did it, he shimmied right up the crib and onto his dresser! I walked into his room after hearing questionable noises on his monitor, and sure enough, he was up there playing with his CD player. He had a look on his face like, Look what I did, Mom!! What do you do when the toddler outsmarts you???? He is climbing EVERYTHING. There is not a baby gate that can hold this kid--the gates, the crib, the barstools in the kitchen, the kitchen chairs...I think he is part-spider! Any suggestions?
And I'm too tired to even discuss his displays of affection for his new baby sister---he started by trying to pull her limbs off (usually while I was nursing...almost lost a nipple...), but now we've improved and instead, he likes to go over and rub the palm of his hand on her face. Will he ever be able to get within three feet of her without DH or I jumping up to defend her? I'm afraid I won't be able to even take pictures of them together!
Toddler exasperation...
Well, my little guy has started climbing out of his crib--and the first time he did it, he shimmied right up the crib and onto his dresser! I walked into his room after hearing questionable noises on his monitor, and sure enough, he was up there playing with his CD player. He had a look on his face like, Look what I did, Mom!! What do you do when the toddler outsmarts you???? He is climbing EVERYTHING. There is not a baby gate that can hold this kid--the gates, the crib, the barstools in the kitchen, the kitchen chairs...I think he is part-spider! Any suggestions?
And I'm too tired to even discuss his displays of affection for his new baby sister---he started by trying to pull her limbs off (usually while I was nursing...almost lost a nipple...), but now we've improved and instead, he likes to go over and rub the palm of his hand on her face. Will he ever be able to get within three feet of her without DH or I jumping up to defend her? I'm afraid I won't be able to even take pictures of them together!
Toddler exasperation...