So would this be cruel? Read the situation and dilemma, and then ask would it be mean.
Let me give you the situation first: We have a really hard time picking out boy's names. For example- Pregnant with Brigham~ we had a couple of names picked out, and held out on telling family members until I was 8 months along when my MIL got it out of Matt. The name we really liked was Jackson Earl (Earl is a family name), anyway my MIL ruined the name for us by saying "oh you can't name the baby that, I will always think of Michael Jackson." GREAT!!!
Needless to say I had our son, and he went home unnamed because we were flip flopping on the 2 back ups we had- we chose Brigham- it suits him well.
So there is a name that we both really like for a boy- it's pretty much the only name we can agree on- Preston. Here's the dilemma: it's Matt's brother's middle name, and Matt approached him when we were pregnant with Brigham and said "We like the name Preston, can we use it?" BIL replies : "No, because if I have a boy we are naming him Preston Joshua (BIL's name inverted)" (Umm Matt's comment- Uhh real original.) Now mind you- BIL and wife have 2 girls, and have said they only plan on having 4 children, and they are not having another one for at least two years. Matt said "Well what happens if they have 4 girls, I guess the name is still up for grabs- so we'll have a 5th, a boy and name him Preston."
Anyway, Emma is hung up on a name for a girl that I am not fond of- Brooke. You ask her "Emma, if the baby is a girl what should we name her?" She replies- "Brooke" If you suggest anything else she says "No her name is Brooke!!!" Well, yesterday I asked Emma "What happens if it's a little boy, and you will have another brother. What should we name him?" Emma replies "What do you like mommy?" I told her "I really like the name Preston." Emma- "I love that name! Let's name the baby boy Preston!" :thud: So I look at her and I say "Emma when you see Uncle Josh on Sunday, you tell him 'Uncle Josh if the baby is a boy, he'll be Preston.'"
I doubt she will remember, but was that mean? If you were in our shoes would you try and keep the peace and come up with another name, or say to hell with it and use it anyway? Granted this won't be come a big issue for another week when I find out the sex of the little tyke.
PS- I don't hate the name Brooke, I just look at the kids we already have and we already have a Br name.
I want a different consonant.
Let me give you the situation first: We have a really hard time picking out boy's names. For example- Pregnant with Brigham~ we had a couple of names picked out, and held out on telling family members until I was 8 months along when my MIL got it out of Matt. The name we really liked was Jackson Earl (Earl is a family name), anyway my MIL ruined the name for us by saying "oh you can't name the baby that, I will always think of Michael Jackson." GREAT!!!

So there is a name that we both really like for a boy- it's pretty much the only name we can agree on- Preston. Here's the dilemma: it's Matt's brother's middle name, and Matt approached him when we were pregnant with Brigham and said "We like the name Preston, can we use it?" BIL replies : "No, because if I have a boy we are naming him Preston Joshua (BIL's name inverted)" (Umm Matt's comment- Uhh real original.) Now mind you- BIL and wife have 2 girls, and have said they only plan on having 4 children, and they are not having another one for at least two years. Matt said "Well what happens if they have 4 girls, I guess the name is still up for grabs- so we'll have a 5th, a boy and name him Preston."

Anyway, Emma is hung up on a name for a girl that I am not fond of- Brooke. You ask her "Emma, if the baby is a girl what should we name her?" She replies- "Brooke" If you suggest anything else she says "No her name is Brooke!!!" Well, yesterday I asked Emma "What happens if it's a little boy, and you will have another brother. What should we name him?" Emma replies "What do you like mommy?" I told her "I really like the name Preston." Emma- "I love that name! Let's name the baby boy Preston!" :thud: So I look at her and I say "Emma when you see Uncle Josh on Sunday, you tell him 'Uncle Josh if the baby is a boy, he'll be Preston.'"

I doubt she will remember, but was that mean? If you were in our shoes would you try and keep the peace and come up with another name, or say to hell with it and use it anyway? Granted this won't be come a big issue for another week when I find out the sex of the little tyke.
PS- I don't hate the name Brooke, I just look at the kids we already have and we already have a Br name.
