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Removing vomit from a carseat

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  • Removing vomit from a carseat

    It is not easy. I am currently washing the non washable Britax cover. I swear when I bought it said it was machine washable. I spent twenty minutes wrestling with the cover trying to get it off and coating myself in vomit in the process, and had to wake up DH to get it off. I am two hours late for work, my car smells like vomit and I hope I didnt ruin the carseat cover.
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    Shouldn't you crosspost this to "what is a bad day like for you?"

    Hope it gets better.
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      Who on earth makes a non-machine washable carset cover?

      Sorry you're having a pukey day. I can empathize.


      • #4
        Maybe the heat of your locale can work for you. I've had the best luck with spraying the hell out of it with the hose on a power wash setting, rubbing some soap in, spraying it out again, and letting it bake in the sun.


        • #5
          Ditto what has been said about "who makes a non-washable carseat cover"??? I discovered that Aidan's new carseat cover can't be removed either and it was disgusting!!!!!

          We used spotshot carpet cleaner to get the really gross parts and then I used a kitchen scrub brush to really clean it up with Tide/water. Nellie...a good hosing down and drying out.

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Ewwww, yucky! Hosing it off sounds like a good idea although if it is still humid by you then it might take forever to dry. I can't believe that the cover wouldn't be removable. That's something I'll have to keep in mind when it's time to shop for a bigger car seat!


            • #7
              The Britax car seat covers are totally washable, even though they want you to think they aren't. Trust me. Ours have been washed TONS of times (and not nearly as often as they should have been).

              I wish we'd had a way to communicate before you spent all that time trying to get it out of the seat. How gross.


              • #8
                Ohh...I forgot about the humidity. Drier heat has been great for getting the seat dry and the smell out of the plastic (something we always end up noticing). Yuck. Thankfully, it doesn't happen that often.


                • #9
                  Whatever you do, don't let the doctor clean it. At least that's the very expensive lesson we learned-

                  (and perhaps this would be cross-posted to the desruction by kids and dogs post)

                  We bought those enzyme tablets to give the dog so that his pee wouldn't turn the grass white- we were living in snooty-ville at the time. Unfortunately, he at the whole box. I was on the road so Rick called the vet who of course wanted him to bring the dog in right away so that could run 8 million dollars worth of tests (man o man, vets and dentists always try to sell up, don't they?). and of course, on the way, the dog puked all over the back of the car seat, because of course Rick hadn't bothered to put in the doggie car seat liner. He cleaned it up to the best of his distracted doctor brain ability- and then 2 weeks later, left the sunroof open and well, it rained. and it was 90+ degrees. and the smell came out and the seats molded and yes, $1500 later, after spending 3 weeks at the specialty car detailer- it was finally clean. (USAA Car Insurance rocked though- I called and said "do you cover dog puke?" and they DID! we only had to pay our $500 deductible....)

                  and that's why the moment I was out of town, Rick traded that car in for the M3, because he could still smell the smell, even though no one else could.



                  • #10
                    Good Lord, Jenn.....That is unbelievable.

                    You need to start compiling all of these into a book for all of us in need of a good chuckle.

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      We also found out our car seat cover isn't washable. Well, actually it is washable because I washed it and its fine, but it sure wasn't meant to come off of the seat. I really had to pull and pry at it. But it had to be done. Last Christmas DH, DD and I were all driving to visit family and DD completely exploded vomit everywhere. It was horrible. Luckily we were passing an exit with a hotel, so we went in and begged for towels. As soon as we got to my mom's house that cover needed to be taken care of, and being winter, hosing it down wasn't an option.

                      I agree. WHY would you make a car seat cover not washable?? That should be a no-brainer.


                      • #12
                        We have a Britax, and I don't see where it says "not machine washable." It says to hand wash it. We have a delicate cycle on our washing machine so I have just used that. Believe me with it being Brigham's seat the thing gets cleaned about once a month because he gets it so dirty.

                        Gas, and 4 kids


                        • #13
                          My best friend swears the best way to rid something of puke smell is with diluted ammonia. She used it on her couch and can't tell that her kid ed on it to this day.


                          • #14
                            I did wash it on gentle. It is dried and back on and smells fine. I scrubbed the straps with a toothbrush dipped in Gain, did that to my car too. I wish i had leather interior- cloth retains smell.
                            Mom to three wild women.


                            • #15
                              I forgot to add my mother-inlaw swears the best way to get "nasty" smells- vomit, blood (as in spilled meat juices) in a car is using coffee grounds. She recently had to take a bunch of meat up to a church camping trip, and it leaked all over the back of her Yukon. Well it sat closed up in hot Wyoming weather for about 2 days, and she went to get in and it seriously smelled like something died in her car. She took coffee grounds and let them sit on the area, as well as washed it with carpet cleaner and you couldn't tell.

                              Gas, and 4 kids

