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Update on Crystal's foot

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  • Update on Crystal's foot

    Thank you everyone for your well-wishes. They are much appreciated.

    I saw the orthopedic doctor today- 6 weeks in a walking cast, and then once the baby is born he will do another series of x-rays. The doc thought the baby has been exposed to enough radiation, and I agree. Based on the set done last week he doesn't think I will need surgery- the tendon pulled the chunk of bone at a clean angle and isn't sitting too far from it, making it easy to heal.

    So I have about 7 weeks left in the pregnancy and 6 weeks in the cast.... Let the fun begin!

    I was going to have someone take the kids tomorrow but both of them have horrible colds, and there is a strong possibility Emma has a UTI-- she has been complaining the last couple of weeks of her "bum" hurting when she pees, she will have a stomachache and then it will feel better after peeing, etc. Poor kid. So we will probably be spending our morning at the peds office- just hope they aren't busy.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Thanks for the update, Crystal. I'm glad to hear that surgery is less of a possibility and that you can have a walking cast. But pregnancy is hard on your feet and ankles anyway....

    I wish I could come by and take your kids for you. I hope they both feel better soon and that the peds visit is short and sweet.

    Hang in there!


    • #3
      Perhaps the no surgery is the...silver lining?? :| Crystal, I'm so sorry about your foot! Hopefully, Emma doesn't have a UTI Will you have to take her to the dr. ?
      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Oh man when it rains it pours!!!! So I mentioned that Emma might have a UTI, well she also has a cold, as does Brigham. I thought no big deal, so they have a cold and nasty coughs (Brigham sounds worse than Emma)- the kid will get over it, it's all viral.

        Well Emma thankfully doesn't have a UTI, but does have a vaginal yeast infection. Here's the kicker- that nasty cough I wasn't so worried about- it's viral croup- both of them. They are on Prednisolone (a steroid) for the next couple of days, because they were wheezing pretty good. I have a pretty good pediatrician who looked at both kids in one visit.

        So poor Emma has to use a cream 2x a day, and they are on steroids the next few days. Well at least I won't have to deal with this for 6 or 7 weeks- like I will with the broken foot and being pregnant.

        Maybe my OB will take pity on me when I see her on Friday. I asked my MIL this evening if I can quit my job.

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #5
          When does the babysitter start? Oh, Crystal!

          Croup just stinks. How are they doing at night? Did I mention croup stinks? I'm glad Emma doesn't have a UTI and I hope the yeast infection clears up quickly.

          Hang in there.


          • #6
            Thanks, Nellie. People from church have been taking the over the past week. When they are in preschool on MWF, I don't have someone come in because Brigham goes down for a 2 hour nap when he gets home--- having one out of commission until Matt gets home makes it really easy. So it's pretty much T Th. Well because most of the people who have signed up to take the kids have children themselves, I cancelled today, and Thursday Matt will be off.

            The thing is I have been laughing about this-- I have to have a sense of humor right now. Emma seems to be on the downhill slide while Brigham seems to be just starting the worse part of it. Luckily if we drug them up really good before bed- Sudafed, Robitussin, Tylenol- they either only wake up once or not at all. Matt has been the one waking up at 2 am and giving them cough syrup. The doc thought with the two of them on steroids it will cut the length down to 2 or 3 more bad days, and then we will go to about a week of a wet sounding cough, but no more barking.

            We had a movie day, and I think tomorrow will be another one as well. Matt will be home until 2 pm, and I have someone bringing dinner and coming at 4 pm to do chores that I obviously have trouble doing with a walking cast on- ie vacuuming. My theory on the "TV" or "movie" days when you need to preserve one's sanity is that they won't be in therapy when they are 30 saying "My mom made me watch TV all day when I was a kid and now my life is ruined" Besides it will be good practice when we are in the first 6 week fog of breastfeeding round the clock, when the new baby arrives.

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7
              Oh, I think movie day is a great idea. I guess the upside of them being sick is that it is easier to snuggle into the couch with them to watch movies.

              That is great they are sleeping pretty well and that Matt can get up with them. Most of what I remember of croup is being wide awake in the middle of the night with a barking child and wondering at what point one calls the ped (despite reading that the barking is normal).

              I'm thinking you are going to feel great once the cast comes off and the baby is delivered!


              • #8
                Glad to hear that surgery is unlikely! I hope the next 6 weeks fly by and then you enjoy a week of rest before baby #3 arrives!
                Awake is the new sleep!

