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I have the two most "regular" children in the worl

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  • I have the two most "regular" children in the worl

    I'm thrilled that Quinn is potty trained. But it seems that now I'm spending all of my day wiping little (very cute) bums. It sure is better than changing diapers - no question. I'm just realizing that I'm still not removed from the poop.

  • #2
    Now, you see? I didn't need that depressing thought. I was just discussing with Nikolai how I hope that he is potty trained soon. But...I guess I forgot about the whole clean butt has to happen somehow thing...



    PS- this AFTER the dog ate a stick of butter and several kleenexs and proceeded to puke at least 8 times on the ivory colored carpet. yes the carpets were only 70 bucks on ebay, but I still need them to last until we move...I can't get the puke smell out of my head and I have air fresheners and Frebreeze going constantly.


    • #3
      DD is in week three of underwear-wearing, I completely understand. Seems like every hour I hear "Mama! Come wipe my vagina!" (DH insists she use the correct body names). It is way better than diapers, but I too didn't completely realize there was this middle step. And the cleaning of the little potty chair? I could do without that as well, but DD prefers the mini toilet to the mini seat on a regular toilet. What are you going to do?


      • #4
        Are you wiping both butts? I'll do it at first, but I pretty much insist they take over that function pretty shortly after getting potty trained. I just make sure we are thorough in the tub and glance at the underwear now and then to make sure they aren't getting too lazy about it.
        Awake is the new sleep!

