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Embarrassed Mom

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  • Embarrassed Mom

    2nd day of school: call home to mom from kindergarten teacher. I've asked her both days "how he did" as I was picking him up, and both times she said "okay -- he's a little jumpy" and kind of did the "so-so" hand gesture. Today he was apparently mad about something, so started scratching the markers on the desk. The teacher rewarded those with good behavior with candy, and those (Jacob - not sure if there were others) with less-than-stellar behavior did not get candy. This set him off - of course. At the end of the day when they were supposed to put their folders in their backpacks, he refused (for quite some time) and told the teacher she's "not the boss of him".

    His teacher was not calling to complain, but rather calling to explain b/c she assumed (correctly) that Jacob was a 'little sad' when he came home. By 'little sad' I mean he swore he was never going to that 'dumb school' again, begged for candy & told me that mean Miss Neumann didn't give him any. She & I came up with a plan to hopefully get him excited about going again on Monday. She also had positive things to say about him ... and was very kind and reassuring ... I just never expected to have the problem kid in KINDERGARTEN.

    Later I had a babysitter booked for tonight (I was supposed to go to a party, but decided I wasn't in the mood and went running errands instead). When the boys saw her they went crazy - running around and showing off their speed, etc. I warned her that Jacob is really in a 'testing limits' kind of stage, and she'll probably need to show him who is boss. Turns out she was REALLY grateful I warned her, b/c she felt like she was being too mean when she had to physically drag him to the stairs for timeout, and then up to his room for a longer time out b/c he wouldn't stay put on the stairs. She called her mom for reassurance, and the mom said "If Jenn said that then I think you did the right thing." I have no problem with what she did ... my problem is with the fact that she HAD to do it. I am no wallflower when it comes to my kids discipline (I know that comes as a HUGE surprise), and run a pretty tight ship with them. I am SO frustrated that he's acting out in such a huge way! We haven't had any major family changes or anything ... I don't know what is setting him off. I just feel like things are out of conrtrol!


  • #2
    I think starting kindergarten is a pretty big change. It's not as soft and squishy as preschool and maybe he is just getting his sea legs. No fun for everyone involved, though. Hang in there. We've had some of that "never going back to" some stupid place and it seems to work best to not say much for a day or so. I hope the weekend helps.

    Hey, you got some confirmation that you have a good babysitter!


    • #3
      Kindergarten is such a tough adjustemnt for the kiddos. When I taught it there were some kids that it just took longer to get used to the routine. They were wonderful, smart, well mannered kids but they just needed some time to adjust to the "world of school." I think it sounds like you are handling it really well. It makes me crazy to think about sending my girls to Kindergarten!!


      • #4
        Don't be embarrassed, Jenn. The first days of kindergarten are a huge adjustment for EVERYBODY -- for kids, teachers, and parents.

        I don't blame Jacob for being upset at being excluded from a reward like candy, especially in the first days of school. Hopefully his teacher will give him more opportunities to earn other rewards.

        A little confession...I always had a soft spot for the more spirited children in the classroom.
        Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins


        • #5
          I agree, starting kindergarten is a HUGE change! He is dealing with a lot of change, and also may be more worn out (mentally, at least) by the time he spends at school. When school starts, I try to dial things back at home a little to make up for the toll that excitement, etc. takes on the boys.

          Don't be embarrassed. Just work with him and help him figure out the best way to meet the expectations at school. He is going to be fine.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            and admit it, part of you thought that the giving candy to the 'good' kids was really kinda over the top, right? See, if it were me, I would done the exact same thing.

            and added a 'bite me' kind of thing, too.

            I totally get where he's coming from.



            • #7
              yeah. that wasn't my favorite part of the conversation ... but she did say that she'd make sure to pay special attention to him on Monday and be sure to reward his good behavior w/a candy. that way some other kid could have a meltdown.

              i wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of "bite me" muttered under his breath. it's (unfortunately) one of my favorite things to say ... that and "suck it up" (when watching football).

              i'm a great role model.

              BTW ... today he overheard me repeating the "I'm not going back for 100 days" and said "Oh - I was only joking about that."


              • #8
                proud mommy update:

                I had Jacob's parent / teacher conference today, and she said he's doing great and has made huge strides with his behavior. He had 'top marks' on behavior, social interaction, etc. She actually didn't have anything bad to say - not even in 'teacher-speak'! I could tell he'd really turned a corner -- but I'm so glad to learn it's across the board.

                the funny (sad) thing is that after the last bad report (he ate playdoh) I was ready to pull him out of school and try again next year. boy would that have been stupid! :!

                DH was supposed to come to the conference but called me at 11:10 (from work) to say he couldn't make it. The conference was at 11:20. Dawkters.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    yeah jacob! :ra: you can give him a smooch for me...please.
                    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                    • #11
                      Yea, Jacob! :ra: Yea, mom! :ra:

