DD is driving me nuts. The whole homework thing. She always says she doesn't "have any" and maybe just a few "projects that aren't due for a long time". We have these EdLine accounts this year, so I can see just what is up, but I haven't been following them every stinking day b/c I thought she was actually keeping track of her crap. So there on the edline, which is a total pain b/c I have to go through 7 classes, I find that she has "E's" (so stupid- the kid earns an F give her a freakin F) in several classes for not turning in homework. Just a big fat 0. And they give them an extra 5 days past the due date to accept homework. :tsk: Things are changing now! I can't wait for her to get home... :fight:
We have been through this before- and she's already grounded from the phone for some incredibly sassy comments made to moi. SIGH SIGH SIGH. I swear, I feel like we are in a good place and then BAM!!!
DD just called to INTERRUPT MY RANT!! I can not even RANT!!!!