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Fitness/Weightloss 2014

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  • Fitness/Weightloss 2014

    Here's our new thread!

    I think I'm starting at the same weight as last time. :/ Frustrating that I worked so hard the first half of the year to blow it in the last two months of 2013. Oh well. At least I know it can be done right? This year I'm going to try to save money and not go to the gym classes. Of course that meant I had to buy weights. Ha ha!!

    So where are you compared to last year? Where do you want to go? And how?
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

  • #2
    Last year I was pg or postpartum or in the middle of the holidays, so it was a wash. I currently have 1 pair of pants that button I am looking to lose about 15lbs. I've been counting cals on MFP and I started doing 30 minutes on the elliptical the past 4 days. I'd like to fit into my pants again, not want to cry when I catch a glimpse of my naked body, and a bonus would be to buy a new, banging swimsuit.

    Wife of a PGY-4 Orthopod
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #3
      Believe I'm 10 lbs heavier than last year and almost 20 from the year before that. I've ramped up exercise since Christmas so am riding that wave and not weighing myself. Would like to get back to my weight before moving to the Midwest THIS YEAR and cut some pounds before our vacation at the end of next month.


      • #4
        I lost 10 lbs in a clean eating challenge I participated in through Thanksgiving. I have tried to maintain the same eating habits but wasn't as successful. I started a second 6 week challenge today through my Crossfit "box". You are required to log your food choices which I am through MFP. I play tennis twice a week and hit Crossfit classes two to three times a week. My real goal is to maintain a clean eating diet 90% of the time. My ideal goal is to lose 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and get stronger with more muscle definition.


        • #5
          Well I started out 2013 at 130 down from my high of 147. I was doing well until this fall. I'm not sure if it was being put on the progesterone or not, but I gained 15 pounds since being on it. However, my mood and outlook on life has been so much better... So I'm not sure what to do... I'm ready to leave my inlaws with all of the fattening food. I need to get back to my veggies and lean meat. I would like to get back and stay at my 130. I know the 112 of college days is impossible.. But 130 is reasonable.


          • #6
            I started last year at 187, got down to 150 in November and I am back up to 159.

            My goal is to be under 140 by Thanksgiving (because apparently post-vacation eating and the holidays pack 10 pounds on me)! I would like to be back to 150 by Valentine's day as we leave for vacation that day!


            • #7
              I can't say enough good things about Fitbit. It's gotten me off my butt during the day and out for a brisk walk almost daily. I feel the difference in my energy and general feeling of wellness. I'm also tracking calories, and it's feeling good to pay attention to how my body feels when I eat clean, although I'm sliding into the usual psychological trap of eating less and less, and I don't like the kids seeing me obsess over food calories. I try to act casual when I input to my log, and we're talking a LOT about eating when we're hungry and stopping when we're full, making varied choices, moving our bodies. Overall I think it's good. I do like that Fitbit has a very sane and healthy way to represent calorie goals, emphasizing the positive. Seeing DH's "budget" on LoseIt gives me anxiety just looking at it.

              We go to Maui a month from today, and I don't have a weight goal, but I'm kind of glad my tummy is already less round than a couple of weeks ago. I know I'll weigh less and like my body better when we go, which will be nice.

              On Fitbit for my goal weight I entered an arbitrary number that represents a healthy not-too-lean weight that I used to maintain easily in my 20s. I started out 11 pounds above it and I'm down 2 pounds so far and feeling confident about making steady progress.
              Last edited by spotty_dog; 01-07-2014, 03:11 PM.


              • #8
                I ate my feelings last night I didn't feel any better, and the cupcakes weren't even
                I haven't exercised in 2 days because I've been so tired/stressed - but I know that it helps me sleep better and makes me a less-stressed person...

                Anyone want to come whoop my ass???
                Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                • #9
                  Tomorrow (today) is a new day, GRU. Just make a note to self: cupcakes not great, not worth it; and try to get out for a 15-20 minute walk even if your evening workout makes you cringe! Maybe the workout will look better after some fresh air. You got this!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
                    Tomorrow (today) is a new day, GRU.

                    Eating your feelings is a symptom of stress/lack of sleep which is a symptom of not exercising. Make a promise to yourself, whether you eat 10 bad cupcakes or don't consume a single sweet today, that you *will* exercise today.
                    Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by niener View Post

                      Eating your feelings is a symptom of stress/lack of sleep which is a symptom of not exercising. Make a promise to yourself, whether you eat 10 bad cupcakes or don't consume a single sweet today, that you *will* exercise today.
                      Yes!! And I'm thinking as we get used to exercising, the desire for treats will drop off, so don't beat yourself up. (and when you DO have a fantastic cupcake, enjoy it knowing you deserve a treat every now and then.)

                      I haven't been weighing myself OR counting calories. I'm just trying to focus on making mostly decent choices, eating enough calories, AND I'm going to a personal trainer who is 3 min from my house in a small, beautiful, clean, fresh-smelling (lol) gym. Crossfit was too far away so I ended up making excuses not to go because the sessions were about 1.5 hours with 45 min travel time total. (there was a closer one, but I'm not getting there at 5am) This is perfect because it's one-on-one, right down the street, and she is (and she's telling me to EAT! I'm all over that.)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                        Yes!! And I'm thinking as we get used to exercising, the desire for treats will drop off, so don't beat yourself up. (and when you DO have a fantastic cupcake, enjoy it knowing you deserve a treat every now and then.)

                        I haven't been weighing myself OR counting calories. I'm just trying to focus on making mostly decent choices, eating enough calories, AND I'm going to a personal trainer who is 3 min from my house in a small, beautiful, clean, fresh-smelling (lol) gym. Crossfit was too far away so I ended up making excuses not to go because the sessions were about 1.5 hours with 45 min travel time total. (there was a closer one, but I'm not getting there at 5am) This is perfect because it's one-on-one, right down the street, and she is (and she's telling me to EAT! I'm all over that.)
                        Sounds great!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                          Yes!! And I'm thinking as we get used to exercising, the desire for treats will drop off, so don't beat yourself up. (and when you DO have a fantastic cupcake, enjoy it knowing you deserve a treat every now and then.)

                          I haven't been weighing myself OR counting calories. I'm just trying to focus on making mostly decent choices, eating enough calories, AND I'm going to a personal trainer who is 3 min from my house in a small, beautiful, clean, fresh-smelling (lol) gym. Crossfit was too far away so I ended up making excuses not to go because the sessions were about 1.5 hours with 45 min travel time total. (there was a closer one, but I'm not getting there at 5am) This is perfect because it's one-on-one, right down the street, and she is (and she's telling me to EAT! I'm all over that.)
                          Yay, sounds fabulous! I hate that human nature can make small obstacles into big impediments, but seriously. I never went to my old gym because it was 20 minutes away; I never go to my new gym because it's old and all the equipment squeaks (and the nosy owner of course). Sigh. Keep it up! I miss the trainer I worked with in Cleveland, I only met with her 3-4 times to adjust my program and have her show me some equipment, but it was enough to keep me confident and motivated...

                          I think I'm hitting my stride with getting a reasonable caloric intake (less than 30% deficit) while still eating pretty clean. W00t! Next step is to increase the length of my walks, and to get back to the gym.

                          (BTW, I agree that when exercising becomes a habit, treats really become something to savor rather than random cravings to fulfill. At least for me, my cravings shift toward the nutrient-dense foods that fuel my workouts.)


                          • #14
                            I've totally sucked since the new year. I had the flu, didn't eat much at all because I had no appetite. Then, as I recovered from the bedridden part, I got terribly hungry and craved comfort food. Eating made me feel better. I finally decided a few days ago that I'd better just eat until I was well. Dieting and pneumonia on the tale end of H1N1 wasn't working for me. Now, I'm PUFFY. I haven't had this many carbs in a long time -- but left over pasta is always in my fridge. (I married an Italian man, and he's been cooking. What can I say?) I am feeling like shit and just need to ... eat better stuff.

                            I'm thinking I should be actually WELL soon and I can worry about it then. Fingers crossed.

                            I did make it to and through 90 minutes of power yoga yesterday and today, so I must be recovering. I just can't will myself to eat well and cook and shop, too.


                            I'm totally doing a NEW, new year thing soon.
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #15
                              Ugh, I didn't realize you had H1N1!!!! We got that in 2009. No wonder you still feel like crud. I would abandon all guilty feelings about not doing what you're "supposed" to do, and concentrate on getting your energy back. I hesitate to say it...but it took a full 6 weeks or so for me to feel normal-ish. I slept a LOT. Don't push yourself too hard! Take it slow and gentle.

