Directed by Clint Eastwood and co-produced by Steven Spielberg...this drama was different than I thought it would be.
It told the story of the men in the famous picture -- raising the flag on Iwo Jima.
It's not a fast paced war movie. Instead Eastwood spends time with character development and what I assume are historical facts.
I liked the movie but I don't think you need to see it in a theatre.
It's a movie that had a different twist to WWII and that generation.
Thumbs up.
It told the story of the men in the famous picture -- raising the flag on Iwo Jima.
It's not a fast paced war movie. Instead Eastwood spends time with character development and what I assume are historical facts.
I liked the movie but I don't think you need to see it in a theatre.
It's a movie that had a different twist to WWII and that generation.
Thumbs up.