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MIL Jokes (PART 1)

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  • MIL Jokes (PART 1)

    Posted: 27-JAN-06
    I was out shopping the other day when I saw six women beating my MIL up. As I stood there and watched, her neighbor, who knew me, said, "Well, aren't you going to help?" I replied, "No. Six of them is enough".

    Posted: 19-JUL-05
    Q: What do you do if you miss your MIL??

    A: RELOAD, AND TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 24-MAR-05
    Two men were in a pub. One says to his mate, "My MIL is an angel." His friend replies, "You're lucky. Mine is still alive."

    Posted: 21-OCT-04
    My FIL was driving down the road and was pulled over by a policeman. Walking up to my FIL's car, the policeman said, "Your wife fell out of the car five miles back." My FIL replied, "Thank God for that, I thought I'd gone deaf!"

    Posted: 7-MAR-04
    Q: How do you stop your MIL from drowning?

    A: Take your foot off her head.

    Posted: 1-NOV-03
    Q: What should you do if you see your Mother-In-Law rolling around in pain on the ground?

    A: Shoot her again.

    Posted: 21-OCT-03
    Q: What's the difference between a catfish and a MIL?

    A: One's a scum sucking bottom dweller, and the other one is a fish!

    Posted: 5-OCT-02
    A patient says, "Doctor, last night I made a Freudian slip. I was having dinner with my MIL, and I wanted to say, "Could you please pass the butter?" "But instead I said, "You silly cow, you have completely ruined my life."

    Posted: 4-OCT-02
    Mother Knows Best: At a senior citizen's meeting, a couple were celebrating their 50th Anniversary. The husband stood up and was telling story of his dating habits in his youth. It seemed that every time he brought home a girl to meet his mother, his mother didn't like her. So, finally, he started searching until he found a girl who not only looked like his mother and acted like his mother, she even sounded like his mother. So he brought her home one night to have dinner, and his father didn't like her.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.
