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Aid from other countries

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  • Aid from other countries

    What are your thoughts on this?

    "We will begin with a pilot project in Chicago on Oct. 14, in a
    > Mexican-American community," said Chavez, who was in town for the United
    > Nations sessions. "We will then expand the program to New York and Boston
    > in November."
    > "The first New York neighborhood in the program will be the South Bronx,
    > where Chavez was to speak today as a guest of Rep. Jose Serrano."
    > ... 6262c.html
    > New York Daily News -
    > Chavez' surprise for Bush
    > Friday, September 16th, 2005
    > Worried about the skyrocketing cost of gasoline and heating oil this
    > winter?
    > Well, Hugo Chavez, the firebrand president of oil-rich Venezuela, wants to
    > help.
    > Chavez, a former army officer twice elected president in huge landslides,
    > has become a target of the Bush administration for his radical social
    > policies.
    > Last month, right-wing evangelist Pat Robertson openly urged his
    > assassination.
    > But now Chavez is firing back at Bush and Robertson with a surprise
    > weapon - cheap oil for America's poor.
    > In an exclusive interview yesterday, the Venezuelan leader said his
    > country will soon start to ship heating oil and diesel fuel at below
    > market prices to poor communities and schools in the United States.
    > "We will begin with a pilot project in Chicago on Oct. 14, in a
    > Mexican-American community," said Chavez, who was in town for the United
    > Nations sessions. "We will then expand the program to New York and Boston
    > in November."
    > The first New York neighborhood in the program will be the South Bronx,
    > where Chavez was to speak today as a guest of Rep. Jose Serrano.
    > The Venezuelan leader revealed details of the new oil-for-the-poor program
    > during a wide-ranging interview at the upper East Side home of his
    > country's UN ambassador.
    > "If you want to eliminate poverty, you have to empower the poor, not treat
    > them as beggars," Chavez said.
    > During the hour-long interview, he also blasted the Iraq war; accused Bush
    > of trying to kill him to reassert U.S. control over Venezuela's oil;
    > offered support for the victims of Hurricane Katrina; and lampooned the UN
    > as out of touch with the world's poor.
    > Echoing his favorite American writer, radical linguist Noam Chomsky,
    > Chavez warned that "Americans must reorder their style of life" because
    > "this planet cannot sustain" our "irrational" consumption, especially when
    > it comes to oil.
    > Much of what Chavez said he has expressed before.
    > But his novel oil-for-the-poor idea in this country is sure to make him an
    > even bigger target of the Bush administration.
    > Those who scoff at this as a publicity scam should think twice.
    > With the price of oil at record levels, the Chavez government is swimming
    > in cash.
    > Those sky-high fuel prices are bound to have a drastic impact on
    > low-income neighborhoods here, especially since Congress redirected much
    > of this winter's usual energy assistance program for victims of Hurricane
    > Katrina.
    > Venezuela, on the other hand, owns a key U.S. subsidiary called Citgo
    > Petroleum Corp., which has 14,000 gas stations and owns eight oil
    > refineries in this country, none of which was damaged by Katrina.
    > Chavez said he can afford to sharply reduce Citgo's prices by "cutting out
    > the middle man."
    > His plan is to set aside 10% of the 800,000 barrels of oil produced by the
    > Citgo refineries and ship that oil directly to schools, religious
    > organizations and nonprofits in poor communities for distribution.
    > The same approach, he said, has worked in the Caribbean, where Venezuela
    > is already sharply subsidizing oil deliveries to more than a dozen
    > nations.
    > Cutting oil prices must seem like the worst sort of radicalism to the Big
    > Oil companies and their buddies at the Bush-Cheney White House.
    > But ordinary Americans fed up with price gouging by these energy companies
    > could begin to look at Chavez in a different light if his oil-for-the-poor
    > project works.
    > Still, Chavez, warns, we must all think about the future. Americans are 5%
    > of the world's population, yet we consume 25% of the world's oil.
    > On his drive from Kennedy Airport to Manhattan this week, Chavez noted,
    > "Out of every 100 cars I saw on the road, 99 had only one person in the
    > car.
    > "These people were using up fuel," he said. "They were polluting the
    > environment. This planet cannot sustain that mode of life."
    > That's the kind of message that can get a man killed these days - or at
    > least labeled a dangerous madman by folks in the White House.
    Awake is the new sleep!
