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Internal Medicine Residency

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  • Internal Medicine Residency

    Just wondering if anyone has any insight into an Internal Medicine residency....Russ is now considering IM...and possibly Cardiology or Endocrinology....I know he's changed his mind so many times already! He also keeps mentioning GI... 8O which is really gross to me...aren't GI people weird? I guess I don't really know any to say that...but...

    Anyway, anyone wanna comment on these?
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

  • #2
    well as far as I know, you need to do a 3-yr medicine residency prior to doing GI or cardiology fellowships.
    The degree of difficulty for medicine varies widely between particular programs. Generally the more highly regarded programs will also be somewhat more strenuous. (not to say that there aren't crappy programs which are also malignant...)
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      what kind of info are you looking for? my DH did medicine and is now doing ID. from what he's said GI is very, very competitive with only a few spots open each year -- like maybe one at every hospital. i think cardiology is also competitive but with slightly more openings each year. let me know if you have specific questions about medicine!

      and yes, a three-year medicine residency is a requirement for any of the subspecialities.


      • #4
        First, expect him to change his mind about 1,000 more times!
        We know of one guy going into GI and he isn't weird at all. But that is only one person. DH says of those, GI is probably the most competitive right now (but that changes).
        GI and cards are more procedure heavy compared to endocrinology. Cards tends to be longer residencies (I think it depends on the program) and the one here is 5 years -- after IM, of course. I think GI and Endocrinology tend to be around 3 years. I'm just guessing, but of those I would think that Endocrinology then GI would be best in terms of lifestyle.
        The more important part of this decision tree for Russ will be whether or not he wants to do IM because he will have to do three years of it and then match into a sub-specialty fellowship. Whoever said you will probably know what he will end up doing before he does is exactly right. As an observer, you have a more removed view and can see a bigger picture and broader patterns in what he likes or doesn't like -- a lot or a little procedures, lots or little patient contact, see the same patients or tend to see different ones for shorter visits, etc, etc.
        Have fun!


        • #5
          Thank you all....You gave me all the info I was looking for....I know my post wasn't very specific...but I just wanted basic info....and you gave it.

          As for knowing before him what he wants to do....I guess I will...I can't wait for him to get into the clinics and really see what's going's only about 6 more months!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian

