Hello- My husband is in San Antonio now (has been since June 15) and he's considered TDY active duty. So we thought that the kids and I would be covered through Tricare starting when he got down there. He's read ahead in his reading material (what a geek ) and he came across a form that said for the spouse to be signed up for tricare I had to have my military badge which I have to get here where I live, actually about 30 miles away from where I live is the closest Army place--not a base, just a training center), and then when I get my badge, I have to fill out another form requesting health care. This form has to be submitted before the 21st of the month in order to have coverage starting the 1st of the next month. Of course, my husband didn't even get HIS miltiary id badge until the 20th. There are several other students at the OBC who still have to go to the office to get their badges, b/c the office where they issue them is so backed up and the guys are in classes and what not, and don't have a lot of free time to go wait in line. So basically there was no possible way for me to get my id badge before the 20th. Does this mean that I'm not covered next month? I thought that while he was active duty I was covered, but I don't have any forms or anything to show a medical person should I need it. Oh well. I'll just probably use free health care from my dear ol' dad if I need anything b/c we are in no position to buy health care coverage for me...
The journey into military paperwork confusion begins...
The journey into military paperwork confusion begins...