A job?!?!?
Ugh!! So Russ is completely freaked out by the fact that I'm not working and we're going to "run out" of money before the baby gets here. So I have to get a freakin' job.
I'm not qualified to do anything!! I mean, I'm very qualified to be a vet, but seriously, who is going to hire me as a vet knowing that I'm due in October....and that I can't do surgery because I get too damn hot gowned up. And I can't bend over very well to do exams on the floor (which would be about 80% of the job). And I'm not licensed (which I'm working on, but kinda dragging my feet on...)
So what else do you do?
I don't want to work from home...I need to get out of this damn house...I'm so freakin' lonely!
I guess I can apply at Target or something. I don't know. I've never really had a job before. I mean, I worked as a kennel and vet tech in high school and undergrad....and I had a very brief stint as a hostess/waitress which I was TERRIBLE at. Other than that? Nope no real life experiences here.
And do you know what getting a job means? It means I actually have to get dressed in real clothes. I don't think he realizes this will mean I have to spend money to buy maternity clothes for a very temporary part time job. Right now I have 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of jean shorts and 2 pairs of black shorts. And a handful of tops. That's it. If I have to look somewhat decent I'm screwed. I have 1 black dress that really isn't appropriate for even a job interview. He's crazy.
I don't wanna.
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