So it was the resident on call last night who made the pneumonia diagnosis and the call for the CPAP. When I got in there this morning, the RT, nurse and nurse practitioner were all a little annoyed that he was on CPAP...and took him off. He was put on nasal O2. The attending spoke with me today....this is the first time in 4 weeks that we have spoken with the attending...all of the other times it has been the intern or nurse practitioner (apparently this is the only attending who talks to parents...he's the nice/good one that the nurses are sad is leaving)...and he wasn't calling it pneumonia...yes there are some changes on the xray, but it could just be consolidation and not pneumonia....his concern is the bacteremia/'s a meticillin SENSITIVE staph aureus...but Daegan is on appropriate antibiotics (vanc/gent....swtiching off vanc for nafcillin)...they are going to reculture blood tomorrow. All viral cultures/isolations were negative. His CRP and CBC were relatively unchanged, but slightly better than yesterday. On the O2 he has had significantly less apneas/bradys...maybe it's that the antibiotics are kicking in too. He looked exhausted to me today when I got there this morning. Poor kid just looked wrecked....but I held him...and kangaroo'd him...and he slept and slept and slept...and he seemed better this evening. I came home to let the pups out (Russ is on call) and I'm going back to sit with him some more...I hate being home alone anyway.

The IV in his head vein blew today, and the new one is in his hand. The head IV is so scary looking. I should've taken a pic...but I'm kinda glad I don't have permanent proof.

Up and down and up and down and up and down and...