The pediatrician visit was fine! He said Daegan looked great and he didn't need me to come back every week!! Daegan gained 2.5 ounces and while the doc said he'd like to see more weight gain, he wasn't concerned at all! He said to keep working with the LC with breast feeding and eventually Daegan will catch up and "chunk up!" I'm soo paranoid but really, it seems everything is ok. My biggest fear is that the NICU is going to take him back. It's such a weird fear really. I mean, they sent babies home to mom's on crack...why would they take Daegan from us??? I think it must be a natural reaction to having him in the NICU so long...I can't imagine if he would have been in there 6 months or more!

Russ has been off this past week. It's been really nice. I'm a little scared about him going back tomorrow and then I'm on my own. I have one friend here who doesn't work so if I get stuck I know there is someone nearby...but it's kinda scary....I'm also looking forward to it just being Daegan and me. We can lay around together all day! He's starting to have more awake's neat. I *think* he was looking at the crib aquarium we got him today.

Hey Ladies!