. That's the overall sentiment here which is nice for a change. Daegan has been napping less but it hasn't created too much drama in other areas... I think he does still need a nap, but maybe only hour instead of 2-3. I also think he needs to play harder than he had been. He's outside more lately and it's been good. Kai's fever is gone and he seems to be feeling better. He's stayinga bit needier but not compared to another child-just compared to how he used to be. He's also interracting a heck of a lot more and he actually played in the bath yesterday!!!! He'll be 6 months old on Friday.

I mowed (part of) the lawn yesterday on a dare. Russ didn't think I could do it. I've never used a lawnmower before. And our yard is large and sloped because we are on a bayou. I did only get 2/3 done before I was overcome by the heat (90+ with humidity). (and I stupidly forgot to put on sunblock). But I did more than he thought I could!!!

I guess I'm stronger than I think sometimes.