I'm getting seriously frustrated with two of the vets at my clinic. It's been bad lately....I guess they are both going through some personal issues, but it's the patients that are suffering or dying. Unfortunately I can't step in and change the plan on them all....I'm not there enough. (Though, thankfully I was there on Sat for one of our techs cats...) But being there on Sat is another gripe in itself. It's hard to find last minute childcare. I pulled all my favors! And still brought Kai with me Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I'm tired. I'm sooo tired.
I told Russ I'm hiring someone to come to the house while I do house chores...he wants me to leave them at the sitter, but I want someone here to talk to and play with the kids so I can still see the kids. I need more people to talk to. I'm just not independent....and I cannot work around a house by myself.
He also figured out what I've been saying all along. He does NOT have time to take care of the yard. And since moonlighting is going to be more plentiful this year, we're outsourcing lawn care. Thank f-in goodness!!!
Only one more year
Only one more year
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