My parents were just here this past weekend. It was really nice having them around.. The boys loved it. Daegan has been sad and mopey though...he's also being more defiant. He really gets along well with my mom. She seems to really "get" him. Maybe it's because he's soo much like my dad...
Kai is crawling! Like for real, on hands and knees. It's crazy! He's pulling up on everything and trying to climb. He's growing so much faster than Daegan it seems.
Fellowship apps are in and he has 3 interviews set up, 1 "no" and 6 we haven't heard from. I'm getting a little anxious so I know he must be going crazy.
On the #3 front, we haven't really decided yay or nay...but I think we both kinda feel that it should be nay for the moment....but we're not I've been a little emotional. I'm not so mellow that I can just go with the flow....though I wish I was...maybe this will be good practice.

I'm more frustrated with my work. One of the vets (not the same as the last time) came by the clinic drunk. At least I'm pretty sure he was. He wasn't working - he was dropping his dogs off to go out of town. But yeah, he was driving to go out of town in this freakin' 10:30 in the morning. Only a few more months.... I'd quit now, but it's only about 6 more months and I think I can bide my time and keep pulling the paycheck.
I'm ready to be outta Louisiana. I'm prejudice and "racist" against stupid people and overly religious people....and people who whine about being fat/diabetic/hypertensive/"disabled" because they are too lazy to put out their cigarette, get up off their ass, and work. I put disabled in quotation marks because the ones I'm complaining about aren't actually disabled....they just think they are and some lazy doctor signed off on it because he didn't want to deal with the whining/bitching. And they ask Russ to re-up the disability. God love him, he says no unless they are truly disabled. (Like the guy with cataracts who doesn't want to get the free cataract surgery because it will take him off disability.) Yeah don't bitch to me that you are poor and can't afford heartworm preventative for your outside dog because you spend too much on cigarettes and twinkies and are too sick because you can't afford the $4 meds to control your hypertension because you are fat and can't breath to walk.
Ugh. Sorry. I had to get that off my chest.
In other news, Apple replaced my iPhone.