10-18-2006, 08:52 PM


Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: central Indiana
Posts: 4,706
Look at my Pictures!

My choirs had their first concert last night, and it went well. I heard lots of compliments from people about my groups......some of them were even from people who knew what they were talking about! All in all, it was a good night.....but getting there, especially the hour or so before the concert, was tough.

The middle school concerts are all held at the high school, because our middle school doesn't have an auditorium. I had been in the auditorium *once*, and had never been on the stage until last night.....so obviously, the kids hadn't been on the stage, either. If you have ever sung in a choir, you might know that a lot of stages give you the feeling that you are singing into a vacuum.......you can't hear anything, and it can feel very scary! That is how this stage felt, although I am told that the sound in the house was great. My kids, though, really rose to the challenge. I was very proud of them. The progress they have made in 7 weeks of school has been amazing.....I can't wait to see what they will be doing by May!

I did have one "seventh circle of hell" moment, though......I had the kids meet me in the high school choir room at 6:00 to warm up. (The concert began at 7:00.) I had high hopes of being able to walk each of the choirs on to the stage (we wouldn't be able to get onto the risers because the stage was already set up for the band portion of the concert) and then back off so they would get a sense of the logistics, but it was not to be. Facing 110 middle school kids pumped full of adrenaline is not for the faint of heart! I was able to get them warmed up, but after that, it was all I could do to get them lined up and seated in order at the back of the auditorium. They rose to the occasion after they calmed down a little bit, though, and things went fine.

I really have to say, though, that the highlight of the evening was when I was talking to the audience (500 people in attendance! ) and saw DH and the boys out in the house. I had a such a sense of "completeness" in my life at that moment......I was professionally doing my thing, but I was sharing it with my family, too. I felt very blessed! Most of the time, I feel like I am juggling so hard that I am not doing anything well, but for that few seconds, it seemed like it all fell into place.
Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

"I don't know when Dad will be home."