So the concert is now history. It went fine, and I had lots of help from both parents and other teachers. This year is SO much easier than last. My kids were cute and sang well. No one said "Teste 1, 2, 3" into the microphone.

My kids have been on fall break the past two days. DH took the day off yesterday, and they were on their own this morning until I got home at 1. My middle and youngest sons had friends (brothers) over this afternoon, and then I took all five boys (my three plus the two friends) out for pizza before taking the friends home. DH is working an in-house shift tonight, so I have been a posting fiend. Next week is MY fall break, but before I get to the "break" part, I have to facilitate 18 student-led conferences for the kids in my homeroom. I didn't have a homeroom last year, but because our school population is growing, they had to give me one this year in order to keep the homerooms as small as they want them to be. I have a half-day Wednesday, with students, and then will be in conferences from 1 to 8. Thursday is a half-day for the students also, with that afternoon off, and all day Friday off as well. (The silver lining to my kids being off this week is that when I am off next week, my time will be my own!) Because I am a half-time employee, I will get to take the whole day off Thursday, to compensate for working the equivalent of three half days on Wednesday, AND I will have another half day off, to be taken at my discretion. SWEET! So I am looking forward to the second half of next week! I have to point out that I would not have realized that I got the extra time off if my principal hadn't told me. He is really a good guy. So is the ass't. principal....actually, there isn't anyone on staff at my school that I don't like. That is a RARE thing, in my experience.

My middle son has decided not to play basketball on the school team. I don't really care, either way, but he will end up going to all the games anyway, since my oldest is playing. All the other (four) boys in his class will be on the team, so I hope he doesn't end up feeling left out. He has never really cared about basketball, though. The fourth graders will be on the bench most of the time, but I think they will learn a lot in practice. Oh, well, I imagine he could join after the fact if he changes his mind.

DH is on call this weekend for the second weekend in a row....weird schedule glitch. He has had the previous three weekends off, so I can't really complain, but I will anyway. I hope he gets to sleep tonight so he can have a nice day with us tomorrow, when he isn't answering pages, that is.

My thoughts are with Kate and her family tonight. Her strength in the face of all she has had to deal with is impressive and inspiring. I hope she made some good memories today. May God bless all of them.[/QUOTE]