I felt bad that I didn't get any pictures of Joel in my earlier post, so.....

Here is the proud owner of a new pair of glasses (his first)

and another one

DH and I went to the school auction tonight. WE WON A FREE YEAR OF TUITION! For the cost of a $20 raffle ticket! Awesome! I also got a bike! I don't know much about bikes, but I have been wanting one, since I am the only one in the family that doesn't have one. This one is a Trek, with a wide comfy seat, and it is pink. The lady who donated it is older (late 60s) and just didn't like it after she got it. It looks brand new, and we got it for $250. With it being pink, I don't think the boys will ride off on it!

So here are a couple of pictures of DH and I before we left this evening.

It was a fun evening. We met some nice people, including a couple who are currently building in the neighborhood where we will be building. Their kids are around the age of Nathan, so that will be nice when we move out there.

I went to the visitation for my student this evening. So sad. Her family is just destroyed, you can tell. They are a little on the rough side, I think....they were all wearing jeans and sweatshirts and reeked of smoke. They barely know me at all and as soon as I walked up, her mom hugged me and started sobbing about how much Tabitha loved to sing. Poor people....their world has been turned upside down.

Basketball tournament this weekend.....they've only had three practices, but why not?
