Weird weather here! There was a confirmed tornado last night just north of where I live. Our temps dropped 40-some degrees between yesterday morning and this morning. Our family was at the school (which is also a church) participating in a "Chocolate Makes You Smart" evening for the kindergarten and 1st grade classes when the storm came through. There were tables set up with different math activities involving M&Ms and Hershey kisses. All was going well when it was announced there was a tornado warning and we needed to move to the interior hallways until it ended. Imagine it......50+ people crowded into a hallway, with half of those people under the age of 7, all hopped up on sugar and chocolate. It was a lovely time. I just saw on the news that there were 100 MPH winds going on while I was crouching in the hallway. I still think I would rather have taken my chances with the weather.....

I drove over to my aunt's town yesterday to meet with her lawyer regarding her estate. I hadn't been there since I cleaned out her apartment. It was harder than I expected, just to drive through downtown. She owned and ran a business downtown for most of the years I knew her, so my memories of her just came flooding back. I also made the mistake of driving by her apartment. I really miss her. The estate stuff is moving is a lot of work, though.

We are all in a good place right now. I am (mostly) finding success in my attempt to keep my part-time job PART-TIME. I have been able to have lunch with friends and have some time alone at home. It makes a lot of difference, in a good way, in my mood.[/QUOTE]