Well, Nathan got very lucky today. We were over at a friend's house....a lady I know hosts "sewing mornings" once a week during the summer, and several women I know go. All the kids (10 of them) were playing in the back yard, and apparently one of the boys (not mine) was throwing around a piece of wood (heavy, like what you would use to replace boards on your deck) and decided to throw it at (over?) the roof of a playhouse in the back yard. It glanced off the roof and fell straight on to Nathan, hitting him just under the EYE! When I got to him, there were four eyelashes embedded in the higher cut, standing straight up. I thought they were splinters at first, then realized they were eyelashes. I guess he got his eye closed just in time. The wound closest to his eye was turning into a huge hematoma and his eye was almost swollen shut by the time I got him inside. When I pressed a paper towel against it, though, the blood seeped out and the swelling went down. We went into the office and DH's partner (who is still a board certified FP as well as an OB) did the whole nine yards and looked in his ear and nose as well as at his eye to make sure there wasn't any other damage. The board weighs probably 7 pounds and from what I can figure, the short end must have hit him. I am really counting my blessings that it wasn't worse. Here is a picture of my little guy, who is doing pretty well now and milking this for all it is worth. We are going to give him some antibiotics in case the scratch on his lower eyelid is deeper than we think.