Wow, I can't believe it's been a year since I posted on here. I've been in major lurk mode for a while now.

Everything is going well here. I've got a good job, been there over a year now and despite the crappy economy having an effect on sales, all is well.

DH has 17 months of residency left. I can't believe how quickly it has gone by and that we'll have to think about where we want to go very soon.... I was talking to his PD recently and he said. "It's my duty to let all of the wives/husbands know that an end is in sight and that they will graduate. You have nothing to worry about, he's a great resident and will get an excellent job."
Haha! He's a great guy. I didn't have any worries in that regard but it's nice to hear it from the boss!!
I must say though, if anyone is looking for an anesthesia residency, I can recommend this one (so far anyway). When I look back at what our lives were like two years ago (during that surgery residency), I don't know how we did it. It was pure misery.
So, when DH graduates in 2010, he's going to work for a year (we're going to have that fabulous wedding we never had, and honeymoon), then he'll go back and do a fellowship. Fingers crossed!!

For now though, we're just moseying on.
I haven't been feeling the best of late (having an upper endoscopy next week), but I won't let that get me down. Poor DH is more worried than I am. I think it's just a case of him knowing too much about these things!

Anyway, just wanted to check in!