Here we go... The Disney Installment.

We took a family trip to the "world" this past May (May was a big month for us!) My family of 6 went, along with my sister's family (they have 2 kids), and my parents. We stayed at the Shades of Green (military resort). It was really great. The only thing I wish we'd done differently was to drive down there rather than fly. But at that point, we'd had about 4 trips in the previous 6 months, all involving flying. I was

Family trips are stressful- mostly because I am very stressful. I am a schedule person, to the *minute*. Mac knows how to deal with this. He just sits back and lets me run around like a chicken with its head cut off. It happens every time. So, throw in my sister (type B personality) and my mom (type A with a sarcastic edge) and we have a recipe for... a really relaxing trip. But no one goes to Disney to relax, honestly...

I only had 1 major meltdown on this trip. It was at Chef Mickey's character breakfast. Now, understand that I was really really excited to eat breakfast with Chef Mickey. I had been planning on it 6 months previous to the date, as that was when I made the phone reservation. And Disney Dining for 12 people is a tiny bit complicated. So, I told everyone, be there 15 minutes early, or else: And I even went so far as to tell them an earlier dining time (by 30 minutes). I had written it on their schedules, I had reminded them the night before, and I had purposefully misrepresented our "magical dining reservation time" so that everyone could be there on time!

So, in the morning I took care of my crew, and my parents in the adjoining room, and I even called my sister to wake her up. It was so easy for them. I called them on the cell phones to tell them that we were leaving the hotel, that we were almost at the restaurant, that we were inside the building, etc. You see I am a very obnoxious person. That is just how it is. With all my nagging, of course, they were all 30 minutes late. Now I'm freaking because my DREAM of eating with Chef Mickey was in jeopardy. What if they didn't have a table for us? What if they said, Sorry, be more punctual???

Here is a picture of me looking disgusted with my family after chewing them out for making me wait to have my dream realized.

Here I am pretending to be happy to finally meet Chef Mickey but really internally seething at the great injustice that had been done to me.

I have other pictures too, but I'll add those in a bit after doing my motherly duties of picking the kids up from school, getting them a snack, cleaning up after them, getting dinner ready, then bath, then pjs, then stories, then bed, etc., etc., etc...[/QUOTE]