I slept so much this weekend! DH was home all weekend... The only activities I did were Kate's basketball game and church. Mac wanted to do all sorts of stuff, he is sort of a restless spirit, but I just couldn't... He took the kids to the store, and then we all watched a bit of the superbowl last night, but other than that... Not much.

The basketball game was interesting. The other team was very scrappy. (Not in a good way, IMHO.) Kate did attempt to shoot the ball a couple of times, and she committed a hacking foul, so woo hoo! She's getting more aggressive and not quite as afraid to make contact! We're not looking at the future star of the WNBA here, and that's perfectly OK. It's just good to see her doing active stuff. I have tried and tried since she was 4 to get her interested in sports! Uggggg. Now the twins and Luke are all *very* interested. Getting Steven and Izzy to basketball events is a logistical nightmare I don't even want to contemplate-- shove to the back of the brain time... I am not starting them on BB until probably grade 3, so that buys me some time... They are starting soccer this year! Hopefully on the same team, so that we only have Kate's game and the Twins' game to worry about on any given Saturday. While DH is on Gen Surg, and not available at all...

Rambling, rambling, rambling...

I have so much laundry. I need to get at it. I didn't even do laundry this weekend. I was so lazy!!! It was wonderful.