After dinking around on winkflash for a while yesterday trying to upload my photos from the past 5 months, winkflash crashed my computer (epinions said this happens sometimes) and so I just gave up and sent them to Costco. It's more expensive, but I'll pick them up in person and if there's a problem, it'll be easier to deal with... (Except that we live in the land of crappy customer service, but I can always refuse to pay... Or send a nasty email to corporate which yields a surprisingly fast response.) So, 200 pictures on tap! Yikes! That's only 5 months... About 30 more months to go! What a project.

In other news, tomorrow is my Dr appointment finally! I am going to ask her about my headaches/sinus pressure that won't quit. The last 2 nights I've taken Afrin, which I have never ever done for fear of becoming a serious addict. My mom is totally hooked to Afrin. She has taken it for... YEARS! Mac told her she really needed to stop, and she *told* him she did, and even didn't take it while she was visiting us for about 10 days... But I'm pretty sure she's back on it. A total addict. But that stuff WORKS magic. I'm not supposed to take regular decongestants b/c of the pregnancy, so we'll see what my doctor recommends so that I can breathe at night.

Kate has had more math issues. We've been working on algebra, solve for x type of things. Algebra was probably the easiest subject in math that I ever took. It isn't so easy for her, and I don't get it. Except that she 1) has no desire to get the right answer, and 2) doesn't take time to check her work. She misses so many problems because she makes "stupid math errors", doesn't distribute the negative sign, doesn't add correctly, etc., etc. Her teacher sent me an email about her "lack of effort", and I appreciate so much that her teacher is willing to work with her, but I just don't know what to do. I can't motivate her to care. I am making her show me the math homework right away when she gets home, which takes about 10 minutes of her digging through her binder. Then she has to show me her progress before she goes to bed... So hopefully she'll pick it up... I did ask the teacher if she's going to be ok for next year's math class, and teacher told me that next year, Algebra, is actually easier than pre-algebra, this year's class. :huh: I hope the key to this thing is maturity. Kate's maturity...

Speaking of maturity, Kate had yet another field trip today, and they were very short on adult chaperones/volunteers. So I volunteered Mac, since he had the day off. :> He was very thrilled. Anyway, it's probably the only field trip he'll be able to go on! It's quite rare to have an entire day off mid-week. So, Kate was not thrilled. She threw a hissy. Mac wasn't at dinner last night when I broke the news. The twins said they'd be happy to have daddy come spend time in their classroom! Anyway, it worked out fine, of course. He kept his distance, she kept her status... Ahhh, middle schoolers. Do I have to love them???

That's about it for now. Mac is doing dishes right now, and "supervising" the little kids' homework. We're expecting some type of snow/ice storm tonight... When will February end?