So I have to pick up "supplies" for blood sugar monitoring at the hospital pharmacy sometime, and I have to attend some class about gestational diabetes next week, and I have to continue with my ultrasounds... Typical. DH thought that I could just get a handout or something to tell me what kind of diet to follow. I knew that there was no way it would be that simple. Even though my results are borderline, and one was normal, I still need to jump through all the hoops. I already downloaded suggested diets, and I'm not eating or drinking any sugar at all, except for normal complex carbs... But it's too late, now... Sigh.

I just don't feel like hiring sitters for this stuff. Scheduling visits to the hospital is really tricky- it's only about 20 minutes away if there is no traffic, but if there is traffic it's more like 1 hour away. I refuse to go to the pharmacy. I'll send DH over there, but if I go it will take me over 1.5 hours to get my meds. (DH can move to the front of the line if he's in uniform, which is partly why it takes 'civilians' so long to pick up our meds... The other reason is that the pharmacy staff is slooooooooow.) That's no exaggeration. So, looking at having to go to the hospital 2 times next week, plus pick up meds, plus DH's procedure on Friday... I know I have to suck it up, but I just feel like whining! Or crying! I'm so frustrated, and I'm not quite sure why...

Today I took the 3 kids to Costco. It takes so long to navigate everything now! It's amazing. We were there for over 2 hours. And it wasn't even crowded! There's just a lot of retraining I have to do for the twins to get them to not sit in every chair and touch every item. I wouldn't care if they did that, except I need Luke to stay in the cart, and if he sees them having all that fun, he won't stay in the cart. The joys of summer... Ahhhhhh.

Anyway, I keep promising an interesting blog entry with pictures, because lots of interesting and fun things have happened. But I just feel like venting here, and then I have nothing left for good stuff! I apologize. It hasn't all been tedious- truly! We have had some fun times... I'll have to go through my digital files to remind myself of those!