We're back from our vacation. I have a gazillion things to do, so I won't post much... Suffice it to say, things are extra crazy around here. DH once again told me he'd spent "hours" cleaning the house... I came home and... it's a disaster. There were little rocks all around the kids' craft table. :huh: I'm sure the kids left them there, but DH had the house to himself for 1 whole week and never got around to that sort of "cleaning"... Of course, every time he is home alone and tells me over the phone that he's spent hours cleaning, I fall for it and think I'm going to enter some sort of palace... Le sigh... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...

Other than that, we are healthy except for the normal cold season stuff... We survived the vacation, I survived the solo flight home with a *really* grumpy pre-teen, and so it's all good.

A summary of things we've done which I may or may not delve into: We bought a car (total impulse thing, sorta), Kate turned 13 (shoot me now), I really really ruined her birthday, the actual day that is, and I'm having extreme guilt (I really blew it... bad bad bad), and then the normal life stuff and vacation stuff...

So... after I find all the other new bills we have that are most likely just about due, I'll try to upload some pictures and get a decent, coherent post on here!

Hope you all had holidays that were fantastic-- I can't wait to read and catch up on all of it!