
So here are a couple of recent pics. They are about 1 month old. My photo card thingy corrupted from my digi cam, and while I was waiting on the replacement card through amazon (cheaper), we bought a new camera which I really love, but I haven't loaded the software, etc., etc... Once I do, though... Watch out! Photos in abundance...

These pics of her show her after she recently reached the milestone of playing with toys, noticing her hands, controlling her arm movements, etc. She really has a fantastic time making all sorts of wonderful noises with the toys. And the siblings stand around her laughing and making her feel like she is accomplishing just the most amazing tasks in the world. It is really cute. Even Kate stops to watch Josie perform her numerous tricks!!

Today Josie reached a new milestone- rolling over on her own! She is 5 months plus about 2 weeks now, but her adjusted age is under 5 months, so it's not really as if she is rolling over very early... But still! It took me by surprise... I had her doing some tummy time, and usually I would sort of prop her up on her elbows and try to guide her to roll over, but not today... She pushed herself up, arms straight, and rolled over just like she'd been doing it for months. So she went from tummy to back, not back to tummy yet.

We still have her in the tiny little bassinet. Luke had outgrown that thing by 4 months! DH is never home to get the crib out from the tiny storage space under the stairs!!!! He takes call this weekend, but he gets the long weekend off (President's Day), so she may have to wait until then!

Josie is really a great little baby. She doesn't sleep much--- her naps are around 45 minutes long, with the occassional 1.5 hr nap thrown in there. She doesn't complain about it a lot, though. She doesn't consistently sleep through the night, either... All in all, she's very happy, she's definitely a star in our house, and she is much-loved. I am so glad I had her-- I really wasn't wanting another child a year ago... It was such a struggle back then to come to terms with *starting over* after having gone through all the potty training for years, etc., etc. But she is keeping me sane this year! I have her to focus on, and the kids' activities, and all together it distracts me from the really insanely busy year DH has been having. I am exhausted, and DH is beyond exhausted (he falls asleep within 2 minutes of sitting down on the couch-- as in he's snoring...), but we are just really happy to have Josie. She has brought so much joy to us, and I have let myself just spoil her without worrying about when she hits her milestones, or when she sleeps through the night, or if she has a good nap pattern... I have been much more able to let myself just hold her and rock her to sleep, laundry be damned!!

So, all in all, I'm really so happy to have had child number 5. It is crazy to have a middle schooler, two elementary schooled kids, a preschooler, and a newborn, but it is good crazy. I am also happy to know with certainty that someday I'll get out there into the workforce and do... something. I don't know what, but probably either nursing or pharmacy. I sometimes consider teaching, too, but that may be a bit too much for me! Anyway, I'll do something, but probably not until Josie is Kindergarten aged, and I'm really looking forward to the next 5 years I have with her!