OK... I'm coming down off of my prednisone psychosis...

I'm not going to continue with CIO for now-- it occurred to me that she may not be entirely ready yet... (Duh, right.) Or not... I don't know, she's probably *ready* but it's really not worth the stress and anxiety the whole process is piling on. Mac needs his sleep, he has this massively important exam coming up, and it's just easier to feed her and put her back to bed than to wait for her to CIO! So.... I'll call it my "feeding on demand" (within reason) period...

In other news... I'm exhausted. And I can't breathe... And the kids have cabin fever. And so do I... And it is muddy.

February drags on... But DH is *almost* done with this rotation! And he's keeping his cool and his perspective even in light of a really bad support system at the current rotation... Things are getting ugly there, as in 10 attendings ganging up on 2 residents ugly... But he's hanging in, and we're counting the minutes until he's outta there!